Greetings fellow Big-Hat fanatics,
I’m currently painting up my first axemen + command and I’m wondering how to line them up? The models do not line up when using the bases they came with so… should I rebase them to a bigger size because this simply wont work…
Best reg,
You need to number the bases, so everyone has a specific place.
Cut the little plastic rim off and glue to bases in different angles. Also cut off some of the axes, so they point in different angles.
Start from one side and work one model and rank at a time.
You need to number the bases, so everyone has a specific place.
Cut the little plastic rim off and glue to bases in different angles. Also cut off some of the axes, so they point in different angles.
Start from one side and work one model and rank at a time.
Wigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle yeah!
Haha good they're 14p each! Thanks :)
Take a look at Skinks army blog (Chaos Dwarf Spaghetti) He has an entire unit of 30 plastic axemen, which he prepped like Bloodbeard suggested. Its possible, but will take time. Paint letters and numbers under the bases to remember the formation:
a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 = Front rank
a2 b2 c2 d2 e2
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3
a4 b4 c4 d4 e4
and so forth
Thommy H:
Put them on diagonal bases. They look a bit odd standing at a slight angle, but they rank up fine.
Thanks alot guys, I think for me I’ll just put them on diagonal bases then! I don’t mind the slight oddity, actually adds character when looking at pictures… Looks boardgame!
I love skinks blog btw, one of the big ones!
The other option is to have them glued onto rocks/ rubble at diff heights. I find this does give a bit more flexibility and looks cool to.
It may not give as much flexibility with the mono pose plastics but worked a treat for my second rank of blunderbuss who did not want to rank up behind those in the first rank.
One of the members from bygone days heated the axe hafts carefully and turned them to make them rank up facing forward. If i can find my reference pics Ill post it for you.
I’ve put mine on diagonal bases
mine are all on diagonal bases, but I still have some problems with one of the models on the second rank, because of the champion’s sword.