[Archive] LoA vs Empire 3.5K "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor"


We played a 3.5k battle with a 700pt Monster & Magic allotment.  The central alter represented the “Eye of the Storm” at the beginning of every magic phase it would scatter the distance of an artilery dice and face a random dirrection, determined by a scatter dice.  We would then flick the Lore Ascendancy meeter and change the result by D3 if we chose, then roll a D6 to determin the random spell that will be automatically cast by the alter which would affect the nearest unit w/in range.


The Armies were as follows:

The 103 Centuria “The Sons of Darkness”

Erridupizir The Golden, Sorcerer-Prophet of Hashut

General, Level  4 Wizard

(Breath of Hatred, Burning Wrath, Curse of Hashut, Ash Storm)

BlackHammer of Hashut

Dragon Helm

Talismen of Preservation

Scroll of Shielding

Blood of Hashut


Bale Taurus

Cyaxares Madhammer, Keeper of the Flame


Mask of the Furnace

Ironcurse Icon

Great Weapon

Kuk-Nashur The Mad Deamonsmith

Level 1 Wizard (Fireball)

Dispel Scroll

Mar-biti-aplasur The Fallen Deamonsmith

Level 1 Wizard (Ruby Sword of Rhuin)

Chalice of Blood and Darkness

29 Inernal Guard, The Madhammers

Full Command

Great Weapons

Razor Standard

20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats, The Fodder




20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats, The Cattle




5 Bull Centaur Renders, Hashut’s Children


Extra Hand Weapons

5 Bull Centaur Renders, Hashut’s Begotten


Extra Hand Weapons

Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher, Isfandiyar

DeathShrieker Rocket Launcher, Rustam

Magma Cannon, Simurgh

Magma Cannon, Zaal

K’daai Destroyer Enkidu

Brazen Wings

K’daai Destroyer Gilgamesh


Balthasaar Gelt


Level 4 Wizard (Loremaster)

Captain of Empire


Great Weapon

Talisman of the Phoenix

Marcus Wolfhart


Pigeon Bombs


Hochland Long Rifle


48 Halberdiers

Full Command

14 Handgunners

Full Command

Champ with Repeating Handgun

18 Handgunners

Full Command

Champ with Repeating Handgun

5 Outriders

Champ with Blunderbuss

5 Outriders

Champ with Brace of Pistols w/Repeating Pistol

20 Huntsmen

Full Command

Luminark of Hysh

Celestial Hurricanum

3x Great Cannons

Hellfire Volley Gun

Bonegrinder Giant

Brood Horror

Chaos Dwarfs Turn 1:


My opponent placers her Huntsman on my left flank and moves both of her Outrider units forward.


I declare a charge with my flying K’daai against her center unit of outriders and she elects to stand and shoot doing nothingI hide my Sorcerer-Prophet behind a wall and march my other K’daai up but outside of her Handgunner’s short range while both my Bull Centaurs move  forward the ones on left side in preparation to charge the other unit of Outriders and the ones on the right side to provide pressure on the Bonegriner.  The Hobgoblins move up 4 inches and the Infernal Guard move up behind. The forest ends up being an Abyssal Wood.


The alter misfires and does nothing.

I am only able to get off Ruby Sword of Ruin on my Deathshrieker, everything else is dispelled including an Ashstorm on Gelt.


The Magma Cannon on the right flank fires at the Halberdiers, misfires (which i re-roll) and only hits 4 but kills them all

My Deathshrieker on the right flank (with Ruby Sword on it) aims for the Bonegrinder and misses

The other Magma Cannon gets a great shot and takes out 11 or so models and 2 wounds on the Hurricanum while the other Deathshrieker fires at the Huntsman and kills more than half of them.

All of the Hobgoblins shoot at the Volley gun and manage to take it out between them.

Close Combat:

The K’daai kills all the Outriders with its Blazing Body attacks and overruns into the face of the Great Cannon

Empire Turn 1:



The Halberdiers march forward while the Gelt moves behind the swamp, while the Outriders, Handgunners and Huntsmen all stay put, The Hurricanum moves within range, the Brood Horrer prepares to counter charge and the Bonegrinder shuffels forward.


The Alter casts Harmonic Convergence on Hashut’s Begotten

The Luminark fires its bound spell at the K’daai who makes his 2+ save and Balthasaar gets Plauge of rust off on my Sorcerer-Prophet.


The Outriders and Hunstmen fire at my Bull Centaurs and do a single wound, the Great Cannon on the right side misfires and cannot fire for this or the next turn. The Great Cannon farthest to the left barely hits the   K"daai, i fail my save and it does 6 wounds, while the other one kills 2 Hobgoblins and 3 Infernal Guard  (They failed thier 6+ ward saves). The Handgunners on the right side fire at the K’daai and do nothing while the Engineer on that side fires at my Deamonsmith on the Left and does nothing.

Chaos Dwarfs Turn 2:



The Bull Centaurs on the left charge the outrides who stand and shoot and do a single wound. My other K’daai charge the  Handgunners on the right side who stand and shoot and do nothing, while my Sorcerer-Prophet charges Gelt who holds. The other Bull Centaurs move forward to block the Bonegrinder from doing other thing than charging them. The Hobgoblins move forward 4 inches while the Infernal guard march up behind them.


The Alter casts Harmonic Convergence on The Cattle

Once more get of Flamming Sword on the Deathshrieker on the right and also get Breath of Hatred off on my Sorcerer-Prophet


Both of my Magma Cannons and the Deathshrieker with Ruby Sword on it fire at the Halberdiers and take them down to 8 models which the Hobgoblins take down to 1 model and the BSB.

The other Deathshrieker fires at the center-most Great Cannon, misfires and scatters away.

Close Combat:

The Bull Centaurs wipe out the remaining Outrider unit and  overrun into the Brood Horrer

The remaining K’daai takes the Handgunner unit down to 2 models who flee and get away by one inch while the K’daai overruns into the Great Cannon.

My Sorcerer-Prohet owns Balthasaar and reforms to face the center of the board

Empire Turn 2:



The Handgunners rally with Insane Courage, The othe Handgunner unit charges the flank of my Bull Centaurs on the Left Side.  The Bone Grinder and the remaining 2 models of the Halberdier unit (one is the BSB) charge my other Bull Centuar Unit.

The Luminark and Hurricanum reposition and the Hunstmen march forward to fire at my Deamonsmith nearest them.


The alter misfires and does nothing

The Hurricanum gets its bound spell off but scattes off to nowhere and i use the Chalice to take away her remaining power dice.


The two Great Cannons on the left each aim for an artillery piece and take them out respectively while Engineer 2 takes another shot at my Deamonsmith and does a wound. The Huntsmen fire at the same Deamonsmith and do nothing.

Close Combat:

Both my Bull Centaur units get owned and flee, the ones on the right get away by an inch while the ones on the left flee 4 inches and are rundown by the Handgunners.

The ones on the right do take out the BSB who activates his Talisman and comes back to life and pursues the Bull Centaurs as well.

The remaining K’daai takes out the cannon and overruns into the remaining two Handgunners.

Chaos Dwarf Turn 3:



The Remaining Bull Centaur unit rallys and faces the Bonegrinder while the Deamonsmith marches toward the war machines

My Sorcereer-Prophet charges the Hurricanum while one Hobgoblin unit marches forward and the other moves forward with the Infernal Guard Behind.


The Alter casts Doom and Darkness on the Cattle

I cast the 2D6 version of Fireball on the Huntsmen and take them down to 3 models including Marcus Wolfhart

I use the Chalice to take away my opponents remaining dispell dice and cast Ashstorm on the Hurricanum


The remaining Magma Cannon just barely hits the BSB and takes it out for good

The remaining Deathshrieker hits the Bonegrinder and only does  a single wound taking it down to 7

Close Combat:

My Bale Taurus wiffs all of its attacks, but my Sorcerer-Prophet wounds it with the Black Hammer, taking it out of the game overrunning and failing to make contact with the Engineer by an inch.

The K’daai take out the remaining 2 handgunners and pursues off the board.

Empire Turn 3:



The Bonegrinder charges into the Bull Centaurs again.

The Luminark repositions while the remaining Huntsmen march forward.


The Alter casts Mindrazor on the Cattle

The Luminark casts its bound spell at my Sorcerer-Prophet who saves it with his 2+ save.


One Great Cannon fires at my Sorcerer-Prophet who saves but the Bale Taurus takes 4 wounds

The other Great Cannon fires at my infantry blocks killing 2 Hobgoblins and stopping short of the Infernal Guard

Close Combat:

My Bull Centaurs fail to do a single wound, loose combat and flee, getting away by 4 inches

Chaos Dwarfs Turn 4:



The Bull Centaurs rally and face the Bonegrinder once more whiel the Socrcerer-Prophet charges the Engineer.  The K’daai moves onto the board and moves forward 9 inches.

The lone Deamonsmith marches toward the remaining war machines.  The Fodder quick reform and face the Bonegrinder while the Cattle and Madhammers move forward toward my opponents left flank.


The Alter casts Timewarp on the Cattle

My Lone Deamonsmith casts the 2D6 version of Fireball at the Huntsmen and take them out


My remaining Deathshrieker fires at the farthest Great Cannon hits it (do to the re-roll) and does 4 wounds, taking it out.  The remaining Magma Cannon misfires and blows up causing my Deamonsmith on that side to Panic, but the Deathshrieker crew holds.

The Hobgoblins manage to put two more wounds on the Bonegrinder bringing him down to 5

Close Combat:

My Sorcerer-Prophet takes out the Engineer and overruns 10 inches toward the  remaining Great Cannon.

Empire Turn 4:



The Bonegrinder once more charges my Bull Centaurs who hold

The Brood Horrror repositions


The Altar once more casts Timewarp on The Cattle

The Luminark casts its bound spell at the Bale Taurus and takes it out my Sorcerer-Prophet is now on foot


The remaining Great Cannon fires at the remaining K’daai, wounds with a 6, wounds again with a 6 and does 6 wounds, bye bye K’daai

Close Combat:

The Bonegrinder Jumps up and down and destroys my Centaur unit and reforms to face the remaining war machine.

Chaos Dwarfs Turn 5:



The fleeing Deamonsmith rallys, while the Sorcerer-Prophet charges the Remaining Great Cannon and some how makes it’s 11 inch charge. The other Deamonsmith marches 6 more inches to be within 3 inches of my remaining war machine (Deathshrieker).  The Fodder  move forward 4 inches to get within short range of the Bonegrinder while the Cattle utilize Timewarp and move 8 inches forward to get a bead on the Brood Horror.  The Madhammers march up behind the cattle


The Alter casts Fire Cloak on itself.

The rallied Deamonsmith casts Flamming Sword on Mar-biti-aplasur who then uses the Chalice to bring my opponents dispel pool to 1 and casts the 2D6 version of Fireball on the Bonegrinder doing 4 wounds all together.


The Fodder are able to do the last 2 remaining wounds on the Bonegrinder and it is bye bye Bonegrinder.  The remaining Deathshrieker fires a Demolition Rocket at the Brood Horror, hit it and take 3 wounds away leaving it with one.  The Cattle fire at the Brood Horror and  take its last remaining wound.

Close Combat:

Erridupizir takes no wounds and takes out 2 crew.

Empire Turn 5:



The Engineer joins the Handgunners and the Luminark repositons itself out of charge range


The Alter casts Soulblight on the Madhammers

I use the Chalice to bring my opponents pool from 7 to 5 dice and mine from 6 to 5

The Luminark gets an Irresistable Force with its bound spell, so my Sorcerer-Prophet uses the Shielding Scroll but the spell kills 3 Madhammers before it is stoped


The Handgunners fire at the Cattle and do 3 wounds the Engineer drops a Pigeon Bomb on them and kills 5 more causing them to Panic through the Madhammers who make thier Panic check on a re-roll

Close Combat:

Erridupizir takes out the last crewman of the Great Cannon and reforms to face the Luminark.

Chaos Dwarfs Turn 6:


Cool report thats one big ass battle.:cheers


What models do you use for your destroyers?


What models do you use for your destroyers?

I proxied both K'daais one with a Hellcannon and the other with an old school Chaos Dragon.