Well, The Day we have dreaded have finally arrived upon us. :sad I hope this will mean Games Workshop will make something for us, And i also think they are doing this because of Warhammer the Old World. I hope they will still be playable.
This is a sad day for us. But we will remain loyal in Hashut’s name. We have faced and weathered worse storms. And hopefully there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Well, The Day we have dreaded have finally arrived upon us. :sad I hope this will mean Games Workshop will make something for us, And i also think they are doing this because of Warhammer the Old World. I hope they will still be playable.
This is a sad day for us. But we will remain loyal in Hashut's name. We have faced and weathered worse storms. And hopefully there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Alfarin Ironhand
I think that's all half bad! There are so many other providers, so why shed a tear for GW?
By the way, come to the new forum, here is nothing more going on!
New forums :o did not know a new forum was made. I will join it at once. But yeah. It is our cycle to die off and come back time to time. And I have bought enough from forge world models to be happy with them. But thanks to inform me there was a new forum. Does my old account work there, or do I need to make a new one?
New forums :o did not know a new forum was made. I will join it at once. But yeah. It is our cycle to die off and come back time to time. And I have bought enough from forge world models to be happy with them. But thanks to inform me there was a new forum. Does my old account work there, or do I need to make a new one?
Alfarin Ironhand
You will need to create a new account on the new forum, hope to see you there soon :hat off