[Archive] Long live the Chaos Dwarfs

Alfarin Ironhand:

Well, The Day we have dreaded have finally arrived upon us. :sad I hope this will mean Games Workshop will make something for us, And i also think they are doing this because of Warhammer the Old World. I hope they will still be playable.

This is a sad day for us. But we will remain loyal in Hashut’s name. We have faced and weathered worse storms. And hopefully there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.


Well, The Day we have dreaded have finally arrived upon us. :sad I hope this will mean Games Workshop will make something for us, And i also think they are doing this because of Warhammer the Old World. I hope they will still be playable.

This is a sad day for us. But we will remain loyal in Hashut's name. We have faced and weathered worse storms. And hopefully there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Alfarin Ironhand
I think that's all half bad! There are so many other providers, so why shed a tear for GW?
By the way, come to the new forum, here is nothing more going on!


The life cycle of Chaos Dwarfs as a fringe army has ever been to receive an update once a decade, and eventually get phased out. Nothing new here.

We know well how to get creative on our own. And GW will return to us sooner and later. And we have 20+ new manufacturers catering to our needs! :slight_smile:

Please come aboard the new forum, where all activity has moved: https://discourse.chaos-dwarfs.com/

Old CDO’s content will be moved manually to the new forum over long time, and the old forum stays open for posting in to catch in stragglers. :wink:


Alfarin Ironhand:

New forums :o did not know a new forum was made. I will join it at once. But yeah. It is our cycle to die off and come back time to time. And I have bought enough from forge world models to be happy with them. But thanks to inform me there was a new forum. Does my old account work there, or do I need to make a new one?


New forums  :o did not know a new forum was made. I will join it at once.  But yeah. It is our cycle to die off and come back time to time. And I have bought enough from forge world models to be happy with them. But thanks to inform me there was a new forum.  Does my old account work there, or do I need to make a new one?

Alfarin Ironhand
You will need to create a new account on the new forum, hope to see you there soon :hat off