[Archive] Long Shot: Dark Elf Army Book References?


Does anyone have the new Dark Elves army book yet?

Do we know if it contains any CD references? The High Elves army book did not, but I have not had a chance to see the new DE book.

Anyone have it?

:hat off


Cr*p, had it in my hands yesterday but didn’t have enough time to scan for any CD reference…

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

i do and sorry but no most of it is the war between HE and DE there are some references to cathey and nippon but no CD sorry :shy:


i do and sorry but no most of it is the war between HE and DE there are some references to cathey and nippon but no CD sorry :shy:

Godbob and his jolly rogers

I wouldn't mind hearing about the Cathay and Nippon references, though. :)

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

sorry again all it is,is the corsair raid cathey and nippon and steal some gold and slaves


There’s also mention of fishmen, so Kyte should be happy.


I thought there was something in the (semi)old fluff about Cathay coming over the mountains and being the only nation to mount a real attack on Naggaroth. Too bad they didn’t leave that in, I always found it exciting.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

There's also mention of fishmen, so Kyte should be happy.

was there where?