[Archive] Looking for Bretonnian Mounted Squires

Blue in VT:

Howdy all…I’m making the big push to try and finish my collection of the 5th edition Bretonnian Mounted squires and I could use help tracking them all down.  

I’ve managed to get my hands on 7 of the 18 sculpts but really want a complete set.  Here are pictures of the ones I’m looking for…I’ve crossed out the ones I already have.  

I have trades and $ available if you have some figures for me…I need them to come with arms…horses would be great but not a deal breaker if you don’t have them.  

I’m in the US.
Please Help!



Kera foehunter:

Blue can you ever find something i have so i can trade you …

Blue in VT:

Blue can you ever find something i have so i can trade you ..

Kera foehunter
:hat off I sure hope so darlin' I never seem to run out of things that I want to add to my collection so I'm sure we'll have a match one of these day...:cheers

Then you can drive over in your pirate ship truck and drop it off...;P

Thanks for looking!


Kera foehunter:

I do have the newer britonnians a shit load of archer and a few knight on horses i got in a warhammer set with orcs and goblins