[Archive] looking viking type figures

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Sure…but I’m not even sure if I have these guys or not. My Confrontation stuff is limited.

Kera foehunter:

that’s cool thanks mr t

Border Reiver:

Mr T, if Kera doesnt want them, I would probably be willing to go for the '85 norse - I have an entire army of them here (and no, they are most definitely not for sale…)

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Well, like I said, I’ll have to have a look.

The crappy thing about Confrontation is that the picture of the compleated model is on the back of the bubble and that means I have to open my showcase and turn the models around.

I’d also like to sell these guys as they ARE store items. They were, afterall, bougth to be sold. :smiley: (Nothing personal.)

Or trade me for some really damned good Dwarf mini’s from another company other than GW. The Avitar of War CD for one and some of those Kool Dwarfs that are riding bears and more female Dwarfs too.

Kera foehunter:

pick me first !!! B r im keeping an eye on you

Border Reiver:

You can do what ever you want to Kera.


Or trade me for some really damned good Dwarf mini's from another company other than GW. The Avitar of War CD for one and some of those Kool Dwarfs that are riding bears and more female Dwarfs too.

Tarrakk Blackhand
Do you mean dwarfriders like these ones?

or what about batriders?!?!


Kera foehunter:

wow i like the bat riders. Zanko who makes them figures??


Lol. Dwarfs riding giant bats. Madness, I say.

The guys on the bears are pretty good though. They’d look great in a Norse themed army.



Just imagine … :smiley:

Yes Mirliton :stuck_out_tongue: and the bearrider are old Grenadier ones: nowadays also Mirliton :stuck_out_tongue:

I really like these old minis :cheers

This is the link: Mirliton SG :: 25/28 mm miniatures for collectors and wargames



@ Wallacer: They also look great in my “ordinary” dwarf army! :cheers


I use also this small Mammoth in my dwarf army but you can also use them for a norse themed army!



Kera foehunter:

thanks for the link Zanko


That would also work rather nicely for a War Alter in a Norse themed army using WoC rules.

I would use it for that at least… and if I did WoC it’d be either CD or Norse… as I don’t like the stock WoC feel as much anymore.

Border Reiver:

I have an entire army of '85 citadel norse. I use it as a Cult of Ulric army - with lots of Champions of Ulric. I rule the magic phase and do pretty good in the CC phase. Pics of this army are here

Kera foehunter:

wow those look great !! nice paint job Br

Border Reiver:

wow those look great !! nice paint job  Br

Kera foehunter
Thank you

Kera foehunter:

this might be silly has anyone put dwarf upper body on chaos figures

like the old warriors or mauraters ??

Border Reiver:

Yes, I got the Marauder Lord mini from GW a couple of years ago and put a plastic dwarf head on him to make him a viking. If I can snap a photo, I see if I can post it.

Also the old metal Bretonnian halberdiers with dwarf heads and modified weapons (ax heads instead of halberd heads make pretty good vikings as well. Again, I will try to post pics.


Kera, if you have marauders, i have lots of spare maruder horsemen heads… and these are basically the best darn viking heads there are. Not to mention, I owe u, those marauder torsos u gave me, saved my…well… my army

Kera foehunter:

dude pm me maybe we canwork out a deal