Kera foehunter:
well i want to see if there are other figures beside from warhammer that has cool 28 mm figures that i could use my new project
i even wondering if there any 28 mm Scottish military figure in 28 mm
Kera foehunter:
well i want to see if there are other figures beside from warhammer that has cool 28 mm figures that i could use my new project
i even wondering if there any 28 mm Scottish military figure in 28 mm
Pyro Stick:
Do they have to be Fantasy or Real Life looking? Avatars of War does a Barbarian. Would that be useful?
Thommy H:
Pyro Stick:
Celtos Gaels.Im a Gael lol.
Thommy H
Kera foehunter:
i open to anything pyro !! but looking for the same 28 mm range
i love the celos but there a slighty smaller scale
Thommy H:
No they aren’t - they’re 28mm, just like Warhammer.
Raises hand
oh 28mm… well how about: Does figures that could be from that period early saxons, vikings…
Old Glory has vikings
The Warstore have several manufacturers, at least:
Noble Knight Games - RPGs, D&D, MtG, Board Games, Miniatures
Noble Knight Games - RPGs, D&D, MtG, Board Games, Miniatures
Wargames factory might make plastic Vikings, go vote for it here: - wargamesfactory Resources and Information.
Just to get you started.
No they aren't - they're 28mm, just like Warhammer.Well, GW does 28mm heroic, it's actually 30mm, so 28mm models will be slightly smaller, but only slightly and hardly noticeable.
Thommy H
Thommy H:
Any discussion of scale is necessarily meaningless.
1) Not every manufacturer measures to the same point on their models. Some do to the eyes, some to the top of the head.
2) “Heroic” doesn’t mean anything.
3) There’s ususally so much variation even within a range that it’s impossible to point at any one figure and say “that guy is a 28mm figure”.
4) Human beings are different sizes anyway. If we were figures, my fiancee and I would be different scales.
So, in conclusion, it’s ridiculous to worry that figures won’t “look right” next to each other unless they’re wildly different scales (28mm vs. 40mm, for example) - a lot of GW figures, often within the same range, aren’t at a consistent scale. Trust me, the Gaels will work fine.
Kera foehunter:
ok ok shhhhh let go on!! PLEASE !!
boy you guys get bent when you talk about something slightly smaller!!
i trust you tommy
Border Reiver:
There are a number of manufacturers:
a. Citadel - the '85 Norse range has lots of viking/barbarian types (and also lots of fantasy style barbarians - chippies in chanmail bikinis, lads in loincloths, you know what I mean);
b. Foundry Miniatures - Most of the historical Citadel range above were absorbed by Foundry, and they have an extensive range of their own. The Perry twins do lots of work for Foundry. They are really nice minis, but are almost as expensive as Citadel;
c. Gripping Beast is also pretty good, and is fairly inexpensive;
d. Old glory, as above; and
e. Vendel Miniatures also does a Viking-esque series, but not in their historicals section. It’s in their Fantasy section under “Warrior Men”
If Gaels are acceptable, then Rackham’s line of Kelts would probably also be suitable:
They’re starting to become hard to find, but most stores that still have them have slashed prices.
Any discussion of scale is necessarily meaningless.Then I suppose it should have stopped here. :cheers
Thommy H
1) Not every manufacturer measures to the same point on their models. Some do to the eyes, some to the top of the head.Quite true and it doesn't appear that these manufacturers are forthcoming with where they measure to anyways.
Thommy H
2) "Heroic" doesn't mean anything.Actually it does. sculpting is done out of proportion, large arms, small heads, etc.. You might not think or agree with 'heroic' meaning anything but GW does put alot of onus on the "heroic" part. Care to guess why? It makes it stand out.
Thommy H
3) There's ususally so much variation even within a range that it's impossible to point at any one figure and say "that guy is a 28mm figure".It's a range that is marked at 28mm not a single model. the fantasy and 40k ranges are a 28mm heroic range, but there are other sizes of models within that range.. Note, a ratling is not 28mm but is modeled to be to scale with other 28mm models.. etc.
Thommy H
4) Human beings are different sizes anyway. If we were figures, my fiancee and I would be different scales.No, you wouldn't, you be different sizes and depending on scale each of you would be upsized or downsized within those scales.. If a normal 6ft person is the standard for the 28mm model and you are 6'5 and she is 5'2, you'd be done taller and she done smaller but still at the 28mm standard.
Thommy H
So, in conclusion, it's ridiculous to worry that figures won't "look right" next to each other unless they're wildly different scales (28mm vs. 40mm, for example) - a lot of GW figures, often within the same range, aren't at a consistent scale. Trust me, the Gaels will work fine.I agree, it is crazy to worry about it. But there will be those that do it anyways, and there's nothing wrong with that either.
Thommy H
Thommy H:
I wasn’t trying to start a debate here. I just didn’t want Kera dismissing a perfectly good option because of percieved differences in scale.
Kera foehunter:
well at least we know now !! thanks guys!! about scale size
but there still cool figure tommy
Some other possibilities are the following:
Mirliton SG :: 25/28 mm miniatures for collectors and wargames
I know I once had more links saved on my PC … but I cannot found them! :sad
When I remember/found I will link them!
I recommend the Foundry Miniatures. I purchased one of the 6 (or 8?) collections they have of their Viking line for minis to use in a Viking D&D campaign I began running last year. For $150, I got about 60 uniquely posed metal minis with shields, most in ready/fighting poses, but also some cool novelty poses like the “Drinking Party” where Norse men and women frolic, drink mead and hit on each other.
Their range is probably the best I’ve seen in terms of sheer variety.
Kera foehunter:
well thank guys thanks grndl i go look at the foundry minni
Tarrakk Blackhand:
I might have some of the Citadel Figs for you Kera. Have to look in my showcase.
Kera foehunter:
ooooh that sound great !!! we need to put a list together for a new trade off