[Archive] Maelzch's Dawi Zharr

Kera foehunter:

i love your glowing baces !! THERE HOT!!!


Awesome BBs unit:hat off The blunderbuss looks really nice - a rather simple but effective conversion. And god, I love those lava bases - beautifully painted.



Holy Crap there is some awesome stuff here! Great job Dude!


More great work maelzch the blunderbusses unit looks great, bases once again are amazing :slight_smile:

Sargoth The Enslaver:

Well done! I love em!,can we see more soon?:hat off


im working on a bolt thrower atm, should be done saturday

Kera foehunter:

can’t wait to see it

Da Crusha:

oh wow I just realized your cds are bfsp, wow they are the best bfsp conversions Ive seen yet!! good job


Now finished my bolt thrower, woo!

Here’s the crew first:

the bolt thrower:

group shot:


Now that the bolt thrower’s finished, my army for the Clapham Charge is done!

Here it is:

and here’s a shot of the doubles force we’ll be using, Dwarfs and Chaos Warriors (obviously):

For pics of the warriors part of the force, check my Chaos Orcs plog.




I like the bolt thrower alot, thou to me it seems more of a Death Rocket… But its a sweet model anyway! :slight_smile:


I like the bolt thrower alot, thou to me it seems more of a Death Rocket... But its a sweet model anyway! :)

Cheers, tjub! Yeah, i realise it would probably make a good Death Rocket, but for the Clapham Charge tournament im using my army as counts as dwarves, so it'll have to make do as a BT! :)

Kera foehunter:

nice army like the hobgoblins ! love the cd with the big ax

and great baces


Nice Hobbos!!! Wow! I like your bases a lot, can you post a tutorial on how you painted em???


Oups, sorry I red now that you followed Thommy H’s tutorial on WoH. Well done though:cheers


Great army! :hat off

I like especially your Blunderbusses! Great Conversion of the guns and cool Hats! Really like them (though I’m a helmet one!)! :cheers

What to see the next 1000 points!



wow,how great is that “bolt thrower”?

what did you made it from?


cheers for the comments guys!

@Zanko - I’m a fan of hats, masks and helms. My army will have elements of all of these (as this also allows me to tie in any CD models that i get!

@Hazkar - the ‘bolt thrower’ is a large variety of bits. The main missile part is from the helstorm rocket battery, the base is: the stone from the giant set, cocktail sticks, bits from the chaos marauder standard top and a 2pence coin!!




The death rocket is nice, the Hobgoblin crew in particular.


just a quick update, I’ve got the standard done for the warriors: