[Archive] Magama Cannon rule


How are u playing this?

Lets say u hit 10 models.

1. Do u roll 1d3 for each model, and only 10 may be killed?

2. Do u roll 10d3 and unit gets all wounds even if its over 10 models?

3. If Ash Storm is casted, do u multiply the wounds for each model or unit gets even more wounds?

In my head alternative 1 is correct, but I wanted to make sure.


Damn, I could have put this in the already Magma cannon template thread going, sorry…


with multiple wounds, each set of multiple wounds only applies to each individual model.

each successfully wounded model (after armor/ward saves) suffers 1d3 wounds (which are then doubled if its flammable), rolled individually for each model. So the multiple wounds rule won’t, say, increase your 10 potential casualties to 30 (or 60 if flammable), it just makes it possible to kill more models who each have multiple wounds (like ogres, or trolls).

at least that’s my understanding.

Grimbold Blackhammer:

Correct! Hitting ten single-wound models cannot deal twenty wounds and expect the enemy to pull off twenty models. A model can only suffer as many wounds as it has on its profile so a lot of wounds are often wasted. Of course against Ogres and other monsterous thingies, it rocks the house!


Cool tnx:)

Ash Storm and MC rocks on ogres:)


So, this example:

I hit an ogre unit of 12 ironguts, hitting 6. Ash storm is on play. I roll 1d3 and I got 2 wounds to each model. so 12 wounds, With Ashes it will be 24 wounds, but only 6 ogres can die, so 24-18(ogres)= 6 wounds are lost.



So, this example:

I hit an ogre unit of 12 ironguts, hitting 6. Ash storm is on play. I roll 1d3 and I got 2 wounds to each model. so 12 wounds, With Ashes it will be 24 wounds, but only 6 ogres can die, so 24-18(ogres)= 6 wounds are lost.

You roll D3 wounds for EACH guy.

So, I hit 6 Ogres, wounding 4 of them. I roll a D3 for each. I roll a 2 (one wound), a 4 (two wounds), a 5 and a 6 (three wounds each) for a total of 9 wounds, killing three Ogres as whole models must be removed where possible.

If Ash Storm is in play, the wounds are doubled, but each Ogre can only take 3 wounds maximum, so any excess are wasted; thus you cause 11 wounds in total in the above example.


Thanks mate. My hope was to jump wounds to other models with multiple wounds not touched by the template :). Anyways, Vs Ogres at 2999 2 magma cannons and one rocket should be enough (Rocket mostly for his cannons)