[Archive] Mazdamundi


I love the concept of a super slaan riding a stegadon. Is there a mini for him. or a really nice conversion.


There isnt a mini for him but i know that Loki has one he is working on


It would be a pretty straight forward conversion, I would think.  The metal Slann model should fit fairly well onto the upper part of the new Stegadon Howdah.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Why not simply look it up on google? I found this one right away:


One doesn’t even have to be able to read Kanji to appreciate this cool idea. :smiley:


Ubertechie is correct i have been working on a Mazdamundi conversion using just the plastic stegadon kit and a slan he is now finished and when i get to my home PC i will get some pictures loaded up for all to see


I have finaly gotten to a PC and a camera so as promised here are the pics of my mazdamudi,

(Edit, Pics have been removed to make way for more photos of CDs if you want to see mazdamundi in all his glory please PM and i will send you the pics Loki)

The skink with the mace is meant to represent the cobra mace of mazdamudi i would have liked to have modelled the slann holding it but his stomach is to big to have it in his hands


Very nice. I like the guy holding the serpent staff.

Maybe the Howdah could use a bit more ornamentation? You just know that Mazdamundi is going to have a fully pimped out Stegadon.

Ghrask Dragh:

Fantastic conversion! Finally a reason to get the steg’ and to use my GamesDay Slann.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

That’s a very nice Mazdamundi conversion. I find the chaos dwarf in the background much cooler, though. :smiley:

Is the Slann sitting on anything? Seems a bit empty without his rightful throne…


Nice job as usual - when will he be gracing the fields of battle ?


Thanks every one :slight_smile:

wallacer : at the mo he is the only lizard men model that i have i do plan to do a army so when i get some nice spare bits i will be adding them on to pimp it out a bit , i do have plans to added the dead grey seer that has had his chest cut open in front of mazdamundi so it looks like he has just finished a divination.

Ghrask Dragh : thanks glad you liked him, i was not lucky enough to get a games day slaan how big are they ? its just it looked really small in all the photos that i have seen.

Ishkur Cinderhat : Thanks, i am on a bit of a converting bender at the mo with chaos dwarfs, he is going to be a chaos dwarf hero with blunderbuss converted from one of the standard dwarf engineers, i will get him finished soon and post some pics on my army blog i have just finished a chaos dwarf demon smith (see link) https://discourse.chaos-dwarfs.com/t/9189

The slann is not sitting on any thing at the mo but i plan to add more bits to it as time goes on not sure what just yet but i will get there :slight_smile:

Ubertechie : Thank you very much, it might be some time before he is on the battle field as still need to buy and make the other 1400 point of the army :sick but i hope to be getting it all soon :slight_smile:


It does look really nice what did you use to ornament the head of the Stegadon and are you going to add a crown to mazda.


Thanks WoodenPickles

the ornament on the head of the Stegadon is the second option for the Howdah that you get in the box you have a choice between the great bow and the engine of the gods, i am looking at giving him his crown there is a nice bit in the temple guard box on the head of the unit champion that looks like the one mazadamundi has in the art work so i will add it on when i get the rest of the army

Kera foehunter:

great job loki !!! wow i did not know so many people here had stegadons


Thanks Kera :slight_smile: i have noticed that as well, it is such a cool model and very easy to put together unlike some of gw 's other big kits