So me Bas_2312 and 2 other friends like to challenge each other with scratch building and painting contest. About 2-3 months we came up with the idea of doing a nativity scene together.
I’ll tell about it more below but I’m guessing pictures say more than a 1000 words do here are the pics first:
(knowing that this is the internet let me just say that this is in now way meant to be offensive and was just for fun, but hate mail can be send in a PM or posted here. I will collect screenshots)
The scene (54mm scale):
So what we did was divide all the characters and animals in groups of 4 and then roll a die to see who gets what. this way made sure we all had main and side characters.
this is what we came up with:
Parent 1 - Floris
Parent 2 - Josse
Baby - Bas
Angel - Mattt (Bolg)
Donkey - Mattt
Ox - Floris
Sheep 1- Josse
Sheep 2- Bas
Baltasar - Floris
Merlgior - Mattt
Casper - Josse
Caganer - Bas
Herder 1- Floris
Herder 2- Bas
Extra 1- Josse
Extra 2 - Mattt
And then we made some communication mistakes…
So here are Mary and Mary and their baby (ah well its 2018 after all):
the Ox and the Donkey:
(any resemblance to known donkeys is purely coincidence)
The 3 kings:
(steampunk) herder with sheep 1:
herder with sheep 2:
the Caganer (you do need to know your traditions…)
The extras:
“barrel”, Kid with xmas lights and of course the tourist
and last (but hopefully not least the Bunbun) angel:
Some more photos because why not:
“Time You Enjoy Wasting is Not Wasted Time” so thanks for scrolling by (: