[Archive] Michael Jackson dies


Must admit that I am quite sad about this. I love many of his songs, he was one of a kind.



Wow, i had no idea he is dead. How horrible.


Dieing of a heart attack, ā€œIn really bad shapeā€ says his family, after what he does on stage? Really?


My understanding is that he was quite fraile anyway. So after all the practicing for the UK tour he must have just done too much for his heart to take.


Re: Michael Jackson is dead

What was the point of the post again?

I think he died to most people a long time ago. They just made his resurrection into a music video in the 80ā€™sā€¦


So who is the new king of pop? Prince?

Hrothgar Goldgreed:

He isnā€™t dead yet, is he?

Must say I donā€™t really care myself, anyway.


Heā€™s dead.

But he hasnā€™t really been the King of Pop for years.


Wonder if it was natural causes or painkillers that did it?


So who is the new king of pop? Prince?

You've been living in the anti-pop cave since the 80s too huh?


apparently it was a heart attack, but there are rumours that he was on sleeping tablets & pain killers etc.

but then, there always is a conspiracy theory when a celebrity dies unexpectedly.

i think its quite sad myself.

Kera foehunter:

wellĀ Ā this is a sad day



he may have been the kind of pop a while ago, now the king of pop is Prince.


I must say: Only in America can you grow up a poor black boy, and die a rich white woman. RIP MJ.