[Archive] Minty's warriors of chaos blog


well, in my CD blog, Kera asked what took me so long, so I though I had better show you guys this.

Now, his army has a bit of a backstory, because in the past my armie have relaied more on shooting and manoverability than brute force to win, so one of my friends dared me to try the exact oposite, a point and smash list, so i chose chaos.

And now I’m in frantic paint mode. Why? dou you ask, because I was drunk at the time and also bought a ticket to a torney in febuary and signed up with these buggers :slight_smile: so, enough talking.

Here’s the list I’m working towards:

Exaled hero of Khorne - have on foot, at first want having a jugga unit I noticed it wasn’t a monster



Axe of Khorne

Level 2 Sorceror of Nurgle - got(ish)

Enchanted shield

Warrior Familiar

Level 2 Sorceror of Nurgle

dispel scroll

chaos steed

10 Marauders with flails and musician

10 Marauders with flails and musician

10 Marauders with flails and musician

12 Chosen of Khorne



Champion and musician

12 Chosen of Nurgle



full command

5 Knights of Khorne


3 Dragon Ogres


Hellcannon of chaos - got but no-where near assembled or painted

and, pictures

so, anyway, on to the pics

Horthdagar the bloodied - exalted hero

the red took quite some time to do, and since the pics rely blury at the front, the very badly done hand painted symbols of khorne are lost. The clocak was a simple stage things, as was just a couple of overbrushes and a was. The bluey-silver glow on the metalic parts (also not very vissable) was obtained by painting a 50:50 mix of gloss varnish and asurman blue over withril silver

Dedoth the vile - Nurgle sorcorer

well, he took me quite some time too. The brown origionaly started as catachan green :o but it ended up this mucky colour. I particlarly like the detain on this model, like the runes in his cloak and the worms everywhere


unfortunatly with command…

just realy simple flesh and cloth teqnques, though the standard is done the same way the metal on the hero was.

Kera foehunter:

wow that was fast minty !!!

nice group of marauders good job minty

Tarrakk Blackhand:


This message was automatically appended because it was too short.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

Cool but the clearer pic would be better

And strangerly I love the back of the Khorn champion :slight_smile:


I like you characters, but I have some problems with the first picture of your Khorne character - but it is only because it is not so sharp.

Anyway, I like it - keep them coming - I’ll like to see more soon :slight_smile: