[Archive] Modular Chaos Dwarf Terrain Table


As promised in the last podcast, it’s time to step up and deliver.  This will be the first part of a video tutorial in a short series as I muddle through my first attempt at making a modular terrain table this Fall/Winter … with terrain that’s more complicated than flat (essentially) 2D boards with tiles on them.

I’m starting with a 2’x4’, section, which will ultimately be part of an overall 4’x8’ layout (or maybe 4’x10’)… we’ll just have to see.

I’m using extruded polystyrene, which is in pretty common use these days.

Modular Terrain - Part 1  (what you need to start and building Zharr Ungdrin Ankor from the “ground” up)



P.S. Here’s a few images:

Hashut’s Blessing:

When I’ve got the time to watch and pay attention properly, I shall do. I am VERY intrigued to watch this (and likely use it in the future


looking good, devinatly going to watch it.


Are you going to use plaster cloth to cover your mountain? I saw some at a ‘Michaels’ store yesterday, and thought it would be a quick, easy, and effective way to cover up the support structure you made from the foam.


How you have time to do all these projects Nicodemus is beyond me, i think i got one model painted this week…anyway looks great! :slight_smile:


this looks cool!!

I wish I had room for a gaming table:|


Looks ambitious and awesome. Keep us updated!


The cork bark GW uses looks really pretty for rock faces.  Would be very light compared to plaster cloth. Expanding foam can be carved reasonably well as well, and it’s quite light.

Where will the models be fighting Nicodemus?  I take it this is half the battlefield?


The cork bark GW uses looks really pretty for rock faces.  Would be very light compared to plaster cloth.  Expanding foam can be carved reasonably well as well, and it's quite light.

Where will the models be fighting Nicodemus?  I take it this is half the battlefield?

Thanks for the suggestions and comments all.

@Clinkz With regards to where I find the time... LOL, I sleep ~5 hours max per night, usually it's closer to 4hrs. I think that's the only secret. That being said I'm not going to be done this project any time soon as I'm planning this to be an exclusively indoor-only winter project. The Winters here are insanely cold, so there's absolutely no way possible to go outside and ski or do anything else fun. Most of the Winter (from December-April) is -20°C or colder. Most of January/February is between -50°C and -40°C... so as you can probably gather, I need lots to do inside ;)

@Grimstonefire There will be space at the base of the mountain, its side/ramp (which may actually be getting a total remodel anyway) as well as inside and along a stone staircase plateau at the top where the watchtower will be. Other than that this board section is 2'x4' and will only be ¼, maybe at the most 2/3, of the total table. I've got 4 other 2'x2' boards ready to start work on which would make this 4'x6' already... assuming I and my buddies are willing to game on a pink landscape ;)

I also like the expanding foam plan and have used it before, but to no great effect. That being said it's pretty cheap and expands and sets super fast, which are all big pluses. I'm still planning to do a layer of plaster over the outside of everything to make it more uniform. I'll have to check out Michaels for some of the plaster cloth... although we have scads of the smaller strips around for doing (people) arm/leg/etc casting.

I'm also very aware that these videos are not intended to be a blog/vlog so I'm holding off on any more 'contributions' to this thread until I have enough to constitute a tutorial.
