So I was thinking about how various armies have Min/Maxed various sorts of rules.
For example Bretonnian as a Heavy Cavalry Army, or Ogres as an MI army.
Some Elf lists can almost be an All flying army, as we all know about the Nurgle flying circus.
Anyways my thought was how do we develop the existing Chaos dwarf theme into something more unique.
I am sure we would all agree that Chaos dwarfs at least in the post Hell Cannon / Legion of Azgorh era the growth of daemonic themed war machines, chaotic magic, and green skin slavery have differentiated us from just being “evil dwarfs” or “mini chaos warriors”.
As such I would like to explore the idea of a evolving the war machine unit type to play a great role in the army beyond merely acting as artillery. What I propose is a sort of midpoint between a war machine and a monster as the significant bulk of the armies make up.
To develop this idea, several variants of the existing war machines need to be created, as well new rules for the “towing” function would need to be added to existing units.
For example, I propose a Iron Daemon variant without cannon or Skullcracker, this would allow it to move faster independently and with attached cars. The same could be done for the Hell Cannon, it could be given a “towing” mode to allow it pull war machines, and of-course there is always the option of massed greenskins slaves. Ideally with loyal hobgoblin Khans riding along side for “encouragement”.
Likewise I would like to create a general weapon platform car, the Dread quake mortar car would be a good example of the size. Such a car could mount 1 DQM or 2 smaller war machines Death Shrieker Rocket / Magma Cannon, both in Turrets for an additional cost. Likewise a small platform car could be created to allow the Death Shrieker Rocket or Magma Cannon as single weapon but not as the “end” of the train like in the current models. Such cars would also act as easy way to use the previous Earthshaker and Deathrocket models as proxies.
For thematic purposes there could be troop cars as well for the Dawi Zharr to ride in, but you would never take these in battle. Obviously the troops would disembark so the valuable towing assets could be use to move war machines around. Though I could see a use for a “fast” Iron Daemon pulling a unit of elite troop very quickly across the battle field and them charging off the open car. The train would give some impact hits, and the car would act a way to guard the units flanks.
Anyways what do you fellow generals think of this concept?
The rules for towing and detaching cars are all ready there. The addition of a troop transport is just a matter of modeling really. If you treat it as just another warmachine you shouldn’t need homebrew rules. The addition of a warwagon style car would be interesting. I generally don’t care for homebrew stuff. My gaming club isn’t open to members just making up stuff as we go along. I’ll wait for fw rules or proxy. Less opportunity for calling foul during a game.
House rules are Ok for in-house as long as all are in agreement. FW are never going to give us more rules.
I’ve always liked the idea of armed troops on a DQ sized transport
The rules for towing and detaching cars are all ready there. The addition of a troop transport is just a matter of modeling really. If you treat it as just another warmachine you shouldn't need homebrew rules.
For the troop transport just follow the rules for towing a warmachine mounted on a carriage. For the carriage itself and how it interacts with units, I'd say just make it a building. Embarking/disembarking is treated the same as entering/exiting a building and enemies who wish to attack it follow the rules for assaulting buildings. Possible upgrades could be Firing Slots/Firing Platform to allow more models to shoot (remember buildings only allow for five minis per level to fire) and Assault Ramps which allow embarked units to charge out of it.
For the troop transport just follow the rules for towing a warmachine mounted on a carriage. For the carriage itself and how it interacts with units, I'd say just make it a building. Embarking/disembarking is treated the same as entering/exiting a building and enemies who wish to attack it follow the rules for assaulting buildings. Possible upgrades could be Firing Slots/Firing Platform to allow more models to shoot (remember buildings only allow for five minis per level to fire) and Assault Ramps which allow embarked units to charge out of it.
That is exactly how I imagine it. I also picture them like one of the "old west" type train carraiges for horses except more armoured
War Wagon
Using the building rules is a good idea. Just take Fozzric’s Folding Fortress and then build yourself an armored train car to place as the “fortress”. I think I may do that myself.
I like the evil train theme of FW’s chaos dwarfs myself. I have three iron daemons in my army. One from FW and two I built myself. I even added coal tender cars and converted some artillery cars.
I picked up two of these cheap on ebay and used the cars. The cars are roughly the same size as a GW chariot and fit nicely on a chariot base. A little paint and some chaos symbols make for an easy conversion.
Yes House rules are fine, in house, as long as your opponent goes along with it. What I find is as soon as it offers even the slightest advantage your opponent starts to question the balance of your new rules. This even among people I have played against for years. I don’t pretend to be a game designer, or aspire to be one. Obviously balancing rules is difficult enough for those who design games professionally.
If your mates are different and enjoy that sort of thing then more power to you. As always your mileage my vary.
I like the idea of having a WW2 style army with lots of tanks rolling in and infantry support. heavy artillery at the back.
How this works fluffwise and points wise (using 8th) I don’t know.
If they’re for ‘tank’ role then a steam tank/ Iron Daemon profile is suitable as is. If they are purely for towing then yes a new variant would make sense.
As for a new ‘car’ there’s no need for anything new. It’s called a Steam Carriage for 25pts, irrespective of size. So just design a warmachine and slap 25 pts ontop.
Another idea is for a prison wagon or car. Artisans no 2 was themed for this, and the entries I remember were mostly steam driven train like things but the pictures are gone.