Before I post my list, I must list a few house-rules that will affect my choices:
-All normal warbands start with 600 gold coins instead of 500 to allow for the purchase of armor, big guys, and wagons (my Daemon Engine for example)
-I consider the best move to field as many dwarfs at the beginning as possible; the expense of this means that my ranged weapons will be extremely limited (even with the discount I get from using the advanced blackpowder rules). My hope is that I’ll be able to buy an informant or two with bows after the first game, or if I’m lucky, a Chaos Dwarf with a handgun.
So here goes:
Lord Ygg - Sorceror with axe and mace - 93 gc
Gaoler - Axe, Steel Whip, and Pistol - 77 gc
Gaoler - Man-catcher, helmet - 75 gc
Bull Centaur - Mace, Sword, Light Armour (he’s the BC standard bearer) - 123 gc
Daemon Engine - 125 gc
2x Chaos Dwarfs with an Axe and Shield, 50 points each
Total: 598/600 gc
First game will be geared toward surviving, but I expect if my opponent gets close I can tear them a new one.