[Archive] [Mordheim] Black Dwarf Warband - Angry Mental Dwarfs


Before I post my list, I must list a few house-rules that will affect my choices:

-All normal warbands start with 600 gold coins instead of 500 to allow for the purchase of armor, big guys, and wagons (my Daemon Engine for example)

-I consider the best move to field as many dwarfs at the beginning as possible; the expense of this means that my ranged weapons will be extremely limited (even with the discount I get from using the advanced blackpowder rules).  My hope is that I’ll be able to buy an informant or two with bows after the first game, or if I’m lucky, a Chaos Dwarf with a handgun.

So here goes:

Lord Ygg - Sorceror with axe and mace - 93 gc

Gaoler - Axe, Steel Whip, and Pistol - 77 gc

Gaoler - Man-catcher, helmet - 75 gc

Bull Centaur - Mace, Sword, Light Armour (he’s the BC standard bearer) - 123 gc

Daemon Engine - 125 gc

2x Chaos Dwarfs with an Axe and Shield, 50 points each

Total: 598/600 gc

First game will be geared toward surviving, but I expect if my opponent gets close I can tear them a new one.


Very nice. I made a warband a whial ago… Never posted mine, tho. Later ill post some picts. Sent from my Iphone

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Gold coins? I haven’t heard of this before. Is this Mordeheim rules? Forgive me, I’m new to the GW games.


yeah, I’m guessing this is mord, as thats what BtB write rules for

don’t know how many heroes you can have, but I’d say try and max out on em, specialy the wak heroes, they become awseome quickly:)