[Archive] my big hats


I just bought 4 metal CD warriors and a rocket launcher, will post painted pics of my WIP as soon as I can!

Kera foehunter:

what a great start Thorgar!! and there all metal to


I dont really have a way to post good pictures until I find my plugin cable for my camera…so this thread is kind of pointless right now, but anyways, ill tell you guys what miniatures I currently have;
2 bull centaurs (one is the blood bowl hero)
10 hobgoblin warriors including command (hasnt arrived in mail yet)
and over 20 plastic and metal CD warriors
7 blunderbusses
earthshaker cannon
rocket launcher
the CD metal champion and the other hero with an axe (the two with big hats and banner poles)
almost all of these minis have yet to be painted, and I dont have an army list yet, im not experienced at all in the actual board game, which is a shame considering how many warhammer miniatures I have, but hopefully I can get an actual CD army going, and play.

Pyro Stick:

I dont really have a way to post good pictures until I find my plugin cable for my camera...so this thread is kind of pointless right now, but anyways, ill tell you guys what miniatures I currently have;
2 bull centaurs (one is the blood bowl hero)
10 hobgoblin warriors including command (hasnt arrived in mail yet)
and over 20 plastic and metal CD warriors
7 blunderbusses
earthshaker cannon
rocket launcher
the CD metal champion and the other hero with an axe (the two with big hats and banner poles)

Yay! Another big hat blog using the original models! Check out my blog as well (click the pic in my sig). You've got a good collection so far. Earthshakers are getting too expensive for me so well done on getting one of those.

Heres a tutorial on how to post pics instead of posting them as attachments: https://discourse.chaos-dwarfs.com/t/9623
almost all of these minis have yet to be painted, and I dont have an army list yet, im not experienced at all in the actual board game, which is a shame considering how many warhammer miniatures I have, but hopefully I can get an actual CD army going, and play.

Im not that experienced either (i can play the game but i cant seem to think up good strategies lol) but if you take as long to paint up your army as ive taken then by the time you are done the new army book (if we get one) will already be out and you can learn then lol.


Welcome to the fold thorgar, great to see another supporter of the hats :slight_smile:


Ive decided on a paint scheme, black hats, red scale armor, with varieties of gold and red and black on the hats, dark angels green gloves, black beards, and pale skin, much like the ones on the old cover of the chaos dwarf armybook.

Pyro Stick:

Ive decided on a paint scheme, black hats, red scale armor, with varieties of gold and red and black on the hats, dark angels green gloves, black beards, and pale skin, much like the ones on the old cover of the chaos dwarf armybook.

That sounds cool but i think you should do a test model first. I dont think dark angels green is going to go well with that colour scheme.


well, heres a practice mini…and in addition, I just bought 8 bull centaurs, so that will make my army better, I hope…

Kera foehunter:

look cool cool need a little more light on the figure Thorgar!!! 8 bullcentaurs now that great !!


Sounds cool! :slight_smile:

I´m eager to see more painted minis! :cheers


Tarrakk Blackhand:

Lovin’ the paint jobs! How’s the army comming?


Its been a long time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Due to my recent finding that Chaos Dwarfs will finally be getting some love and new miniatures ive decided to breath life back into my old project. No images yet though, I need to find a way to take better pictures.


eager to see the old miniatures :smiley:


Ive got many of the older minis halfway or past halfway painted, and im starting work on a new one off Bull Centaur conversion based on the new Warhammer Forge art. (my avatar)


Looking forward to seeing some more of your work soon :slight_smile: