[Archive] My Black Legion army... (lots of picts)


Only used it once in a tourney…  Converted and painted it over the span of four years…  Not my best work but I am very proud of it as it took me so darned long…






wow! those are amazing! Was that first one a daemon prince?

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Increadible! Are they really the tiny GW scale? The first guy looks like he could be 1/8th scale.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

The first picture is a titan I think?

But I am lost for words :o

A suprise will be coming your way :slight_smile:



He is a forgeworld statue I cut up and rebuilt to be my daemon prince… He is alittle bigger than the “blood thirster” model on the broken aquilla…

He is massive and was built to be the eye catcher of the army…

Kera foehunter:

they look great !! love the purple blood letters

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

Was he Abaddon the despoiler because he look like him

And IMO I dislike the purple Bloodletters they look to Tzeentchie


The daemonettes that are not pictured here are blood red… Screwie I know…


Kera foehunter:

well lets see them !!!are they the new ones!

centauro enano:

Good job, I love and have been


The daemonettes need more work before they are done… Not happy yet…

Have a whole army of them though for WFB…



oh great hashut in the skies, that deamon prince is massive, the marie nodel in it’s hand looks tiny. Do you have any way of transporting that beast.

and the poaintwork is excelent, I personaly like the purple deamons, they add a tocuh of differance to the usual colourscheme, all I have to say is too bad it’s not the new ones.

only real problem is that some of the warrior-chaos marines look a bit like there dancing, but hey, it gives you an excuse to put sometunes on while you play:)

be gifted with slaves!!!


If you like the “dancing” marines you will LOVE my Sons of Elvis noise marine army…



P.S. I hand carried him to the one tourney he has been in. Otherwise he lives on my shelf…