[Archive] My CD


More great work keep this great stuff coming :slight_smile:

Gar Shadowfame:

i did !!! yea i did ! omost as good as thundar the Barbarian!!

Kera foehunter
and there was a sidekick to a main evil character there, looked like a fat snake with face and arms, thats my inspiration :D

Gar Shadowfame:

I am aiming it to be deamonic engine style inferno golem, it has mishaped face in a box on his chest, and bare metal arms that i am still working on, sorry for camera quality


what is the base of that model?


what is the base of that model?

Its a old school necron immortal.

Kera foehunter:

i like the shin guards that a cool idea deamon faces!!! YEA BABY

Gar Shadowfame:






The second to last picture doesnโ€™t work. But that looks soo cool!

Never thought of necrons as inferno golems. With the addition of daemon faces it totally works!

Gar Shadowfame:

Actually the only i ment to be realy demonic is in the icon on its chest, rest supposed to be only ornaments.

On next one i will make it larger and growing out of ribcage,

also i finished arms for this one so asap i will glue it and finish the deatails i will post the whole picture. better quality i hope.

Gar Shadowfame:



Gar Shadowfame:
