[Archive] My first game


Hey everybody :wink:
Yesterday I had my first match with CD, against vampires. This is not a real battle report, just some of my impressions. I used these things:

Sorcerer prophet, lv4, lore of Hashut, chalice: i rolled 4, 5, 6 and something i swapped with the signature. I’ve never been able to cast ash storm and hell hammer was almost useless, but i succesfully casted a boosted n°6 (with no IF, wohoo!) which sadly scattered away from his lord, killing tons of zombies tough. The signature was very nice, but i forgot it was a RiP. I can’t believe i made this mistake, but i won’t do this again. I used the chalice in the nasty way, and both me and my opponent agreed this is not game breaking, just very very annoying: i’ll definetly take it every game.

Daemonsmith, lv1, lore of metal, dispel scroll: this guy was very useful: he wasn’t able to kill blood knights with his spell because my opponent decided to hide them… so they have been away from combat for too much time. A useful bonus :slight_smile:

Taur’ruk, blackshard armor, ward save 4+, great weapon: i decided to take this guy to help my iron daemon to go where he wanted, blocking or killing units who wanted to block my train. Since i had to take bullcentaurs to take this guy, and i wanted to have him to help my iron daemon, i wasn’t able to fit warmachines in my list, sadly, but it worked very well! Taur’ruk got blocked all the game by 40 (50, 60, 70…) zombies and did not very much, but his bullcentaurs did a wonderful job as the iron daemon, and i did not feel like i needed warmachines at all

2x20 infernal guards, HW+shield, standard on both: these guys were amazing, they destroyed huge units of zombies having both a single casualty back. One of the unit was charged by blood knigths, but my short guys won the combat (dice gods helped me here). I can see this unit outclass most of the enemy core units and resist against almost everything else

3 bull centaurs with GW: these guys were amazing and they suffered only a single wound during the whole game killing tons of enemy models. They surprised me, on paper i thought they were almost useless. Well done, guys :hat off

iron daemon, hellbound: this thing is wonderful. I charged the face of a fully kitted vampire lord in his elite unit (i don’t remember the name of the unit sadly) and it survived 8 combat phases. Only the vampire was able to hurt it, but at the end of the game it was still there with a wound thanks to hellbound. The steam cannonade surprised me aswell as the BCs, but in this case a skullcracker would have been better

k’daai destroyer: this thing cuts units like a hot knife through butter. I just took 2 wounds because of a failed toughness test, and that’s it. That’s great

All in all i’m very pleased with this army… maybe more than my first one. In the name of Hashut, up your glasses my brothers :cheers


Hey everybody ;)
Yesterday I had my first match with CD, against vampires. This is not a real battle report, just some of my impressions. I used these things:

Sorcerer prophet, lv4, lore of Hashut, chalice: i rolled 4, 5, 6 and something i swapped with the signature. I've never been able to cast ash storm and hell hammer was almost useless, but i succesfully casted a boosted n°6 (with no IF, wohoo!) which sadly scattered away from his lord, killing tons of zombies tough. The signature was very nice, but i forgot it was a RiP. I can't believe i made this mistake, but i won't do this again. I used the chalice in the nasty way, and both me and my opponent agreed this is not game breaking, just very very annoying: i'll definetly take it every game.

Daemonsmith, lv1, lore of metal, dispel scroll: this guy was very useful: he wasn't able to kill blood knights with his spell because my opponent decided to hide them... so they have been away from combat for too much time. A useful bonus :)

Taur'ruk, blackshard armor, ward save 4+, great weapon: i decided to take this guy to help my iron daemon to go where he wanted, blocking or killing units who wanted to block my train. Since i had to take bullcentaurs to take this guy, and i wanted to have him to help my iron daemon, i wasn't able to fit warmachines in my list, sadly, but it worked very well! Taur'ruk got blocked all the game by 40 (50, 60, 70...) zombies and did not very much, but his bullcentaurs did a wonderful job as the iron daemon, and i did not feel like i needed warmachines at all

2x20 infernal guards, HW+shield, standard on both: these guys were amazing, they destroyed huge units of zombies having both a single casualty back. One of the unit was charged by blood knigths, but my short guys won the combat (dice gods helped me here). I can see this unit outclass most of the enemy core units and resist against almost everything else

3 bull centaurs with GW: these guys were amazing and they suffered only a single wound during the whole game killing tons of enemy models. They surprised me, on paper i thought they were almost useless. Well done, guys :hat off

iron daemon, hellbound: this thing is wonderful. I charged the face of a fully kitted vampire lord in his elite unit (i don't remember the name of the unit sadly) and it survived 8 combat phases. Only the vampire was able to hurt it, but at the end of the game it was still there with a wound thanks to hellbound. The steam cannonade surprised me aswell as the BCs, but in this case a skullcracker would have been better

k'daai destroyer: this thing cuts units like a hot knife through butter. I just took 2 wounds because of a failed toughness test, and that's it. That's great

All in all i'm very pleased with this army... maybe more than my first one. In the name of Hashut, up your glasses my brothers :cheers

Sounds like a great battle! I prefer Daemonsmith of Fire, Magmacannon and Deathshrieker to bringing a ID, they are brutal, now with Ashstorm (double wounds) they are SICK... In a recent game I shot out a unit of 6 Ogre's in one shot hoho. Looking forward to future reports :)


Thanks for the battle summary. as you had no war machines for the Daemonsmith to babysit, I’d be inclined to try a castelan for the CC needs


yeah, you’re probably right, but i was sure that he would have gone magic heavy and he would have take blood knights (he did both the things), so a lv1 metal with a dispel scroll was necessary :slight_smile:


Nice run down of your game. It’s a good way to become a better general.

I never think a skullcracker is a better choice than an iron demon. Unless playing a siege - which means never.

The skullcracker cost extra and gets only d6 extra impact hits. That is never at better investment than the steam cannon will make in kills

Plus the stean cannon will let you fo damage to juggernaughts, demigriffs, blood knights and even the bloody steamtank…


Yeah, this is why i took it: the cannonade made some kills, but since against VC wounds in combat are waaaay better than ranged wounds and since my ID fought against an infantry unit for the whole game and extra D6 would have been gold. Anyway i’m really pleased with the iron daemon and i’m sure the cannonade will be better against targets that cannot revive so easily :slight_smile: