[Archive] My good Dwarfs

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Thought I’d show you guys my good dwarfs. The only unit to really be “converted” are my Dwarf pistoleers. Enjoy!

Pink and Orange Cannon Crews

Ikea Blue and Yellow Organ Gun

Queen Helga, Joseph Bugman and Thane Godri Thunderbrand - Queen Helga and her Heavy Weapons Team

Dwarf Rangers and Pistoleers

Dwarf Thunderers and Warriors

Dwarf Miners - The entire Army

Hrothgar Goldgreed:

I like the colour scemes. Hate the BfSP popgun but I always do so … no matter how good you’d paint it :wink:

Kera foehunter:

great job i love the paint job nice little army of dwarf

* kera whispers you need to get some slayers !!!

the orange hair manic will look great in your army with your colors

great job mr.T

Tarrakk Blackhand:

ThanX Kera and Hrothgar!

I have a few boxes of slayers and miners as well as a flame cannon. I have some work to do! Luckily, I managed to finish my friend’s Tomb Kings army today, save for 5 guys! 1 was missing and arm - which he found, 2 are missing bases, which we are using from another guy, and 2 are metal Tomb Kings which I still have to file and scrape, etc. After that, I can build my own armies - Dwarf, Ogre, and Chaos Dwarf!

Captain Crayon:

very cool man.

Nice to see someone else who is a fan of the goblin green bases :smiley:

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Goblin Green? No, it’s Testor’s OD Green with Sunray Scenics gras sprinkled on the top. It matches my Woodland Scenics grass mat.

Kera foehunter:

wow testor paint!! i havent heard that word in along time

i do love the dull coat!!

Captain Crayon:

oops :stuck_out_tongue: ah well.

im just happy someone else likes normal green bases.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Grass is good!

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Tarrakk Blackhand:

Testor’s is practically all I use. Other than that, I have 3 or 4 citadel coulors, some Model Colour and Tamyia.


They look great!

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Pink?!?!? Do NOT insult the dwarfs!!! (I personaly think that pink is gay)


Pink is a colour just like the rest, but I agree it is now a dwarf worthy :wink:

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Pink makes them extra tough!


Nice, brown ink wash on the gold would improve them no end though

Kera foehunter:

P I N K !!! lol maybe these dwarf can’t do laundry !!!

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Pink was actually manly clothes in the 1950’s and 1980’s. It might come back in vouge in the future!

AGPO, I might try the brown wash on future gold from another army, but I’m primarily into “True” colour for my paint jobs.

I did try a brown wash on a Tomb King I was making for someone and it turned the gold into bronze. Mind you, I was using Testor’s Enamils for both the wash and the gold.

Lord Archaon:

Cool dwarfs You have there!

But IMHO they need a bit more shading.

:hat off