[Archive] My view on the Chaos Dwarf Siege Cannon (SKETCH & coloured sketch)


Each one of you probably knows the Chaos Siege Cannon, better known as the asscannon. I was wondering about scratchbuilding a redo someday, since the original is now over 500pounds, and came up with this sketch. Tell me what you think! Since this is only an initial idea I am open to suggestions of any kind, which I will apply to the sketch if I like them. Feel free to use this sketch, or any of the upcoming ones if you like the look of it, to build your own Siege Cannon.

In my imagination, I see a chaos dwarf using the ball and chain to hit the demon on a target on the demons belly, this will cause the demon to spit out the cannonball inside of him with ridiculous speed. The cannonballs could be normal ones, or even flaming ones, depending on what result you are wanting. These will be loaded by another chaos dwarf. Aiming is done by a third chaos dwarf, pulling the chain which is placed around the demon’s neck. The demon is restrained using metal straps pinned to a big wooden surface, which can be carried around using large rods.

Well, I had some more fluff in my head, but I sort of lost that while I was typing haha

Please comment, tell me how you think a new siege cannon would look like or post your own sketch!


fat demon vomiting chunks?

seems kinda cool.



thanks ^^ I might start making a green of it soon, just need to work it out a bit more. Any ideas?


I’d say it’d been a strong targeting system, say pulleys and chains, the demon isn’t going to do this willingly right?
So maybe some kind of head brace, something like a Scolds Bridle??


that is a very good idea, i just head a collar in mind, but this is a lot better! Thanks! I’ll add this to my concept sketch tomorrow and then I will repost the picture =D

Da Crusha:

I like it. seems like a pretty cool concept. the only problem I have with it is Im not a big nurgle fan.


thanks =]

neither am I so I am very likely to avoid making the demon look nurglish, he just has to be fat :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This looks very cool i lkie the idea alot :slight_smile:


@ Loki

hehe thank you =]


Its refreshing to see a different take on the daemon cannon and I can just see the cd crew getting a kick out stuffing the thing full and cannon balls then hitting it in the guts to make it throw them back up :slight_smile:


lol, i like the beat it with sticks idea.


hehe you guys are getting the feel of it ;D i’ll make a sketch today of them beating the demon and stuff I guess ^^ I’ll also ad nitroglysarine’s idea too it =]

I also thought of using metal rods to prevent the demon from shutting his mouth, what about that?


There is a contraption from the first Saw film that forces the jaws open, granted in that film its suppost to be fatal, but the idea of forcibly opening the jaws might work here


First updated picture, the drawing of the thing in action is coming soon after!



yeah I had that one in mind as well when i thought of the forcing the jaws open :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: that is indeed a very possible solution, thing is: I am to lazy to draw that properly haha

Coloured drawing of the siege cannon is almost done!


Here’s the coloured drawing, just some random colours that sprang into my mind haha


love it. start making it!!!


Promising, waiting for the first wip piccies mate! :slight_smile:


@nitroglysarine & Obsidian
Thank you =D
I will start to work on it soon, I am at my dad’s currently (divorced parents ;P) but I forgot to take all my sculpting stuff with me (yeah, i am rather stupid haha)


Good news, I will be able to start working on this beasty tomorrow! Promise I’ll post pictures as soon as the rough shape is done and I will be making some WIP shots for those of you who like them!
