
The creator of these pink horror stand-in daemon-botz claims to have used gorkamorka and necromunda bitz to make these botz… but I am wondering what models would have legs and arms like that! Can anyone name where these bitz originally came from??
I already know where the face plate comes from, you don’t need to mention that (it’s a daemon-bound armour plate from the Chaos Vehicle Sprue).
He also made some other chaos squat botz in the same way, but using a different head… does anyone know what bit he used for these heads??
Slaves to anyone who can help me out! Thanx!

Tarrakk Blackhand:
Those are awesome little models! Very comical!
Sorry, I can’t help you with Bitz identification.
Thommy H:
I think the limbs are Gorkamorka bionics. They released metal conversion pieces for giving your Orks bionics a couple of months into the game’s run. Never got much notice, I guess - they were on the back cover of UK White Dwarf 219 or 220.
I believe that the Dwarf heads were released as Dwarf-head battering rams for Warhammer Siege.
From the look of it the Pink-Horror Bot’s right arm is a Pit Slave Claw arm, whereas the Dwarf-bots are definitely Pit Slave Chainsword and Drill arms…
the face on the painted one is from the chaos vehicle sprue
Kera foehunter:
some 40 k stuff!! slave please
if you want to build someting like that you can use the ork noob in mega armour and put on a chaos mask and some mecanical arms
Ishkur Cinderhat:
you can use the ork noob in mega armour
I think it should be "Ork nob" LOL :P
Pit slaves? Please clarify for slavage

Necromunda Pit Slave arms.

Kera foehunter:
cool 40 k stuff che slaves please:hat off
Oh my god, those are going to come in SOooooo handy when I am building my daemon botzz. If only I could get some Gorkamorka Bionics tho… anyone have any ideas? (doubt ebay will ever have them…)
Honestly, I can’t ever remember seeing the bionics bits for sale except when gorkamorka was on the shelves… those might be a hard item to find. Sorry I can’t help out, it’s one of the items I wish I had more of.
You could probably use mutation bits, both old and new for a similar effect.
Oh my god, those are going to come in SOooooo handy when I am building my daemon botzz. If only I could get some Gorkamorka Bionics tho.... anyone have any ideas? (doubt ebay will ever have them..)
E-mail GW and beg...
Somewhere I've heard that they take suggestions for bitzpacks.
BTW the new Ork Nobz sprue has some bitz that could be useful for you.
Some similar items to these.