[Archive] Necromunda Bretonnians (AOS)?


Looking at these guys, and with only very minor adjustments and weapon swaps they are straight out of Bretonnians.


Pretty much how I could see Bretonnians being when steam punked.


Jupp, the new Cawdor stuff looks sweet. They and Redemptionists were my fav gangs back in the day, crazy people and fire! :hat off


Thinking more about this earlier.

So as I understand it, having read around, Loeun Leoncoeur (spelling!?) is now a god, and there is a protected realm, or sub realm either outside of the known Realms or within the beast one (whichever that is).  There dwells any pantheon related things that were to do with the Bretonnians, and the now immortal Grail knights.

Putting aside the actual fluff on whether they exist…  It got me thinking how the passage of time would have effected them?

For starters they would have no peace, no rest.  Constant errants and quests, constant beasts to fight.

The basis of their noble reasoning was shattered, and they now fight for survival.  I did read that they have a lot closer ties to the undead than perhaps was obvious before.

So in terms of how they would look it got me thinking they could have swapped to gothic (i.e. vampire style) armour instead of their old style, and their heraldry would be heavily daemon and death themed.

Also, no horses!!  I can’t imagine a normal horse surviving long in AoS, so swapped for some suitable beasts (with heraldry down the sides as normal).

Maybe even some berserker knights! Completely driven mad by their past.



If it�?Ts within the Realm of Beasts then I think the armour would encorporate more bestial features than death themed ones; death themed armour would probably be more the preview of the Realm of Shyish (Death), unless they were Nagash Cultists. Going with bestial then, maybe the helmet decour of WHFB Brets would have expanded so that instead of a little animal perched atop the helm, the helm itself is moulded into the shape of an animal helm?

Maybe also work in some ideas/themes of the Dark Angels from 40k? The whole knights struggling against monster-infested lands sounds very reminicant of Caliban and it�?Ts knightly orders before it was rediscovered by the Imperium. So maybe instead of the knights going on a quest for the Grail, you could have them going on a quest to slay a big badass monster and consequently instead of Grail Knights you have knights who managed to slay their assigned monster and now wear its pelt as a trophy/status symbol?

Perhaps keep the horses but make them mutated somehow? Think the horses ridden by Chaos Knights but nastier? And having the �?~higher ranked�?T knights riding more monstrous mounts (similar to the progression of mounts with Stormcasts). Actually, you could do something interesting with the mounts getting increasingly nastier until you get to the questing knights when they revert to more regular mounts representing them giving themselves more of a challenge on their quest?


That’s done great ideas there.

Of course if you were a grail Knight on a monstrous mount (of old) you could take on even more fantastical beasts.


That's done great ideas there.

Of course if you were a grail Knight on a monstrous mount (of old) you could take on even more fantastical beasts.

Only if you knew where to find them.



More exact - Only if you know where you are!