[Archive] Nerdgasm: Warhammer 40 000: Space Marine Trailer


That is one game i am going to be looking forward to playing :slight_smile:


@Hashut’s Blessing

Genres mean less and less these days in the video games industry. For the last decade, developers have been blending rpg elements into any and every game they can hoping to capitalize on the success of MMOs. Particularly in the console market where western RPGs are hard to come by, and JRPGS are only really prevalent on one console. Any idea of genre purity is a thing of the past.


So, this game isn't RPG in the slightest, lol :D Man, how I hate incorrect genre-giving (great grammar, HB!).

Hashut's Blessing
It's an RPG, it's just an FPS RPG, like Call of Duty, Left4Dead, Medal of Honor, or Halo.
As for an MMO of 40k, that has got to be a really poor game. It's a great idea for making money because so many people will buy and play it, a lot of them because they love 40k and a lot because they want a sci-fi MMO. But, "In the grim future of 40k, there is only war", doesn't leave a whole lot of not running around shooting things, which leads to a severe lack of storyline beyond: tey're the enemy, for my tastes. Put simply, unless I end up being incredibly surprised, I will not be in the 40k MMO and may be in on this game.
There's tons to do outside of just running around shooting. Necromunda, Black Library, and the Warhammer 40k PnP RPG (Pen and Paper Role Playing Game) already offer great swathes of storylines and things to do. Besides, most MMOs are almost entirely based in killing almost non-stop. The best example would be WAR, which already offers hundreds of various small and large storylines and is entirely based in killing enemies and other players. "They're the enemy" is a good approximate of the reasons behind any soldier, gang, or person in 40k fighting though.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

I thought this was throw out the window as being a fake?

But other wise it looks good would of like a new enemy and not the same Orks or Chaos but what can I do.


An interesting RPG approach would be similar to Knights of the Old Republic.

You’re part of a space marine chapter and ultimately decide if you wish to follow the heresy or not.

Hashut’s Blessing:

GRNDL: It’s the film industry too. Since when did Horror mean gorefest? lol :smiley:

dedwrekka: I never said that MMOs aren’t entirely about killing, but often, they are about collecting quests, creation of things or reaching another point in a certain amount of time (amongst others). Also, Necromunda is entirely about killing the opponent (admittedly, to get what you want), Black Library is often about HOW they’ve been fighting (I’ve not read any 40K books that aren;t based around that

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Love the Trailer Kera…but I think I’ll pass on THAT paticular woman! LOL!

Kahn…thanX! You got a towel?

Kera foehunter:

at least there someone with taste here


Black Library is often about HOW they've been fighting (I've not read any 40K books that aren;t based around that

Hashut's Blessing
You should read the Cain (Lots of Inquisitorial and comical Noir type investigations more than fighting), Space Wolf (Really good series, basically works as the introduction to 40k), or Gaunt's Ghosts series (Which tend to have political or spiritual "quest" type background stories), and Angels of Darkness.
Knights of the Old Republic (which Swiss has mentioned) is quite a good example: although you're a soldier, there is a LOT of plot going on and a lot of difference in the story depenedent upon your actions. Also, the fact that EVERYONE in 40K (excepting hormagaunts and the like) seems to have a gun, particularly Space Marines (which is what ya play), it makes a lot of that combat system redundant, in my opinion.
Space Marines are only the playable race in the game "Space Marine", not necessarily the only in the 40k mmo. Though, since it's space marines, you wouldn't expect KoTOR, it's just not in the character of who you're playing. You might have choices, but the choice between one or the other would involve killing something. This isn't a politico monk martial artist, it's this guy who's been reborn and bred to kill things and mess you up.


Meh…they are Space Marines…whats all the fuss? :stuck_out_tongue:

- Warplock

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

Meh...they are Space Marines...whats all the fuss? :P

- Warplock

Yes that means when you turn on the game, you instanly win due to being a Space Marine :P

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Yes that means when you turn on, the game you instanly win due to being a Space Marine

Good! I hate playing games that I can't win! LOL!

Kera foehunter:

would that be like warhammer ???

or the parker brother game of life


Space Marines are the best! well at least in 40k.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

Space Marines are the best! well at least in 40k.

And in Fantasy, LotR and not to mention SG i mean SM are even good in different tgames :(


Only 40k Army I have.

Best bug killer army around too; I’ve shot up more 'nid armies then I can count; they seem popular here for some reason.

The best was in my last game 3x10 tactical units as my mainstay units. I’m a fin beliver in them sheer weight of firepower won out. In the later stages my opponent was trying to get his Carnifix (if I remember correctly) towards my lines.

My devastators and 2 units if tactical were tied up on my left flank as was my other unit of tacticals. So my Land Raider Crusader poured it’s hurricane boltersi to it; with rerolls all hit and I rolled the best ever for a tactical unit ever with each marine hitting. After all the remai g rolls were done scratch one Big bug with nothing more then bolters.


Oh dear god yes! I’m buying a 360 just to play this!!! That really is my idea of just how hard a Space Marine should be. Sadly they’re ultrasmurfs and not the Fists of Dorn. Still, can’t have everything…

Hashut’s Blessing:

dedwrekka, I’ve read the first two Gaunt’s Ghosts books and they’re both excellent, but ultimately, it’s still about them performing combat missions, even if the reasons are sociopolitical. I liked them, without shadow of a doubt and there’s nowt wrong with war stories etc, but are any of those stories not primarily about war? That was my ain point, lol.

AGPO, you raise an interesting point: it’d be col if you could play different chapters etc or create your own or something. Maybe something for 360 updates?

Willmark: Caos space Marines FTW :wink: Evil is always cooler and better than “Good”.