[Archive] Nerdgasm: Warhammer 40 000: Space Marine Trailer


!!! As the title suggests.

Sexy trailer.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Very cool looking, but I STILL don’t actually get what the game is. It says it’s an action RPG, but does it simply mean it’s an RPG revolved around fighting without so much detail to the story? Also, I noticed that they tended to run in groups, so is it a Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game? Not mass, obviously, thought that could be cool: entire battles of self-made characters.

Kera foehunter:

lol there no sex or trailer!! just space marines and orks


@ Khan!: I believe for you and me “sex” is something different! :wink:



@ Khan!: I believe for you and me "sex" is something different! ;)


Haha what?? Space marines + explosions + chainswords aren't sexy anymore? What is the world coming to??? ;P


Action RPG these days means something like Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Too Human, maybe even something like Rainbow 6 Vegas. Essentially an action game that has an unlockable RPG system using experience points or skill points. Call of Duty would be another… Not an MMO. THQ are working on a WH40k MMO that will be launched in 2012, I believe.

Kera foehunter:

lol there no women there !! it must be guys of thirty thing( sexy )

now this is a sexy trailer with a woman



Very cool looking, but I STILL don't actually get what the game is. It says it's an action RPG, but does it simply mean it's an RPG revolved around fighting without so much detail to the story? Also, I noticed that they tended to run in groups, so is it a Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game? Not mass, obviously, thought that could be cool: entire battles of self-made characters.

Hashut's Blessing
Think Dawn of War 2 played in a first person mode.


Cool trailer. Though I seem to remember seeing some early in-game footage where the bolter acted like a fully automatic pea-shooter. The Marine was basically running around stunning cultists with the bolter, then hacking them up with a chainsword. The combat seems cool, especially the fist fights with Chaos Marines, but the bolter needs fixing.

Border Reiver:

Kera - again, the definition of sexy trailer seems to differ between people.


Cool trailer. Though I seem to remember seeing some early in-game footage where the bolter acted like a fully automatic pea-shooter. The Marine was basically running around stunning cultists with the bolter, then hacking them up with a chainsword. The combat seems cool, especially the fist fights with Chaos Marines, but the bolter needs fixing.

That's where they lost me the first time I saw this game mentioned a long time ago on TWF.

That was so utterly stupid I am hard pressed to put up a reply that's not so offensive it will burn the hides of the GW people responsible for this and kill the game company developers outright.

Now a 40k MMO... I totally hate the concept of a MMo but that might tempt me.


It’s true that that leaked footage was not very good. However, to be fair, I’m pretty sure that was a pre-alpha tech demonstration, so I would be very surprised if it was what the finished game will look like.

The new trailer seems to be much better put-together. Plus it’s Relic innit? They handled Dawn of War just fine, imho.


lol there no women there !! it must be guys of thirty thing( sexy )

now this is a sexy trailer  with a woman


Kera foehunter
IMO Kera you have much to learn about men preferences and likings! :yar



That was so utterly stupid I am hard pressed to put up a reply that's not so offensive it will burn the hides of the GW people responsible for this and kill the game company developers outright.

Go for it. They could do with a bit of a shake up.

Kera foehunter:

lol there only 2 thing guys like to do !! 1. have more stuff than the other guys

and 2 . passing gas !!!

well maybe 3 but since this is a family site i stick to 2 things


It's true that that leaked footage was not very good.  However, to be fair, I'm pretty sure that was a pre-alpha tech demonstration, so I would be very surprised if it was what the finished game will look like.  

The new trailer seems to be much better put-together.  Plus it's Relic innit?  They handled Dawn of War just fine, imho.

Ah see that's the funny thing, you are talking about the look. I am more concerned with the insanely stupid gameplay. It was (might be) completely at odds with the game universe, you can shoot a cultist several times with a bolter at it won't die?!!?:o


Exactly. A human taking a hit from a bolter is pretty much screwed where ever the shot lands. Like in Storm of Iron. A guardsman has his leg clipped by a bolter shell, and it gets torn off by the force of the detonation.


It's true that that leaked footage was not very good.  However, to be fair, I'm pretty sure that was a pre-alpha tech demonstration, so I would be very surprised if it was what the finished game will look like.  

The new trailer seems to be much better put-together.  Plus it's Relic innit?  They handled Dawn of War just fine, imho.

Ah see that's the funny thing, you are talking about the look. I am more concerned with the insanely stupid gameplay. It was (might be) completely at odds with the game universe, you can shoot a cultist several times with a bolter at it won't die?!!?:o

The ranged damage from the bolter wasn't added in yet. It had only had the stunning effect of it added in. The pre-alpha video was a little overzeleous, and definitely wasn't ready for wide viewing. Which is why it was religiously hunted and taken down by GW.


Taken down by THQ, not GW.

Hashut’s Blessing:

So, this game isn’t RPG in the slightest, lol :smiley: Man, how I hate incorrect genre-giving (great grammar, HB!).

However, this does still look like it could be fun. The previous “trailer” was unauthorised footage released of pre-tested gaming, as in it was still in production. Hence why it seemed so stupid and pants.

As for an MMO of 40k, that has got to be a really poor game. It’s a great idea for making money because so many people will buy and play it, a lot of them because they love 40k and a lot because they want a sci-fi MMO. But, “In the grim future of 40k, there is only war”, doesn’t leave a whole lot of not running around shooting things, which leads to a severe lack of storyline beyond: tey’re the enemy, for my tastes. Put simply, unless I end up being incredibly surprised, I will not be in the 40k MMO and may be in on this game.