[Archive] New Empire piccies


I’m just glad you can still do the Caroburg Greatsword theme with alternating red and black stripes. I’ve always loved that look.


My main quibble with them is the curvy swords, which I always associate with Indian culture (wrongly, probably).

I think you're getting mixed up with Kris style knives/swords from Indonesia, East Asia, etc. There was a western equivalent - the flamberge - or flame blade - named so because of the undulating edge, which looked kinda like fire.


Its accurate, although the undulations themselves probably aren't to scale, so you can see them on the model.


Oh my, i didn’t even notice they were flame blades… that IS awkward!

Hopefully they have the option for straight blades or flame blades (at least one of them has a straight bladed sword.)


The great thing about this from a personal perspective is that GW are providing us with the ability to make entirely plastic armies. I don’t like assembling multi-part metal models especially infantry and do wonder why they cant be cast as a single piece. Plastic is so much easier to work with both in standard form and to convert plus the end models are cheaper than the metal equivalents. this should lead to more people taking more special / rare infantry choices that we see so few of because they are so expensive to collect.



OMFG i just phoned up GW - the number at the top of the website 0115 91 40000 - and according to them, that is the correct price!!!

Lord Archaon:

That’s an insane price imho! 10 models for 25 pounds. That’s 2.5 pound per plastic model! I’ll definetly not going to buy those.

BTW plastic steam tank will cost the same as the metal one (35 pounds).


Yeah, I just about gagged when I saw the price of that damned Stank.


$41.25 US for 10 Empire Greatswords… plastic?!

Holy Hashut!

I am glad I have my block of Greatswords already.


These are all awesome minis.

With the plastic Steam Tank kit on the horizon, these minis will mean an entirely-plastic Empire range.

Thommy H:

I really like the Greatswords and, you know, just yesterday I was thinking about starting an Empire army with a witch hunter theme. The idea got far enough that I started hacking up old Mordheim mercenaries to make a unit of state troops (and I have the scars to prove it - always cut away from yourselves, kids).

But £25 for ten plastic figures? No, I don’t think so. There’s another price hike coming in June and my assumption is that these are priced in accordance with that. Previously, if I wanted to buy something from GW I’d usually suck up the absurd prices if I couldn’t find a better deal, but I believe this is the first time they’ve sold something that I wanted but is just too expensive. I have a job, a steady source of income, and I value my hobby pretty highly but, Jesus, I’m not paying that!

So I went looking around for alternatives for plastic Empire, toyed with some plastic ECW stuff (a little too modern, I feel, even if they do look like witch hunters) then saw somewhere that the Perrys are going to be making plastic Hundred Years War stuff in the near future, including some late stuff with handguns and pikes. In checking their website, I also finally decided to buy some alternatives for mounted yeomen for my Bretonnians too.

So, GW’s loss is the Perry’s gain*, in a roundabout way! I’m not going so far as to say this is the start of a boycott, but it’s very hard to swallow a price hike in the midst of a recession and I disagree in principle with a company that charges £2.50 for an inch-tall plastic man.

*Yes, I know the Perrys still work for GW anyway…


This is absurd :sick

Two months ago a GW-guy (let’s call him ‘Rick’) wrote a Standard Bearer (UK WD 351) article saying: " … it’s very inspiring to see all the exciting work that is being done making new plastic kits for warhammer armies. This is going to seriosusly change the way we players put armies together if only on the basis of reduced cost compared to that of metal models. It’s going to make some cavalry- and monster-based armies much more affordable …" - I’m sorry to say so, but that was all just ‘bull shit’ then!

If these sets standard for future prices for rares and specials - I would rather they kept doing them in metal.


I find the whole thing Ludicrous as far as their reasoning… Personally… I cant thing of anyone making BETTER minis in plastic in even close to the same rate or quanity they are…They are getting paranoid!

Personally… I look at the price like this… The models arent as good as their pewter ones… they look bloated and have odd shaped poses and mispreportioned arms and legs. Why am I paying the same price essentually… Also I dont run large units of GS in my armies so commands are not an option in my playstyle… So why am i paying the premium for their bits…

Personally I wont be buying them. I just bought a bunch of the pewter ones though.

Kera foehunter:

$41.25 US for 10 Empire Greatswords... plastic?!

Holy Hashut!

I am glad I have my block of Greatswords already.

that's why they called them GREAT SWORDSMEN:o !!!
if they where only 22.00 they be swordsmen :yar


well heres the thing… those Swordsmen could be made into Spearmen or Halberdiers as well… so it make getting that last box to get 3 guys worthwhile as you could turn the other into a detachment of say spearmen. The Greatswords in essence are less versitle a kit as far as what you can do with it. Includes far less bits and is 2 times the price almost…


So I went looking around for alternatives for plastic Empire

Thommy H
I built the vast majority of my Empire army from the Militia boxed sets. There are enough different parts in their to make any emipre state troops. Swap in a few bits here and there from the other more affordable Emipre plastic kits and they look alright.

By the way, no one seems to have mentioned, the new Imperial Gaurd plastic kits are £15 for 5 models. I think this is a clear sign of things to come.


By the way, no one seems to have mentioned, the new Imperial Gaurd plastic kits are £15 for 5 models. I think this is a clear sign of things to come.

That would be the new Imperial Guard Command Squad you are talking about here - right? Think the price equals the price we have seen see for elite units in quite some time -lately with the Ork Nobz and Stormboyz. Guess it will be the price tage for many plastic command/elite/HQ choices in the future.



Post 1366 , an E-mail from GW

The Imperial guard basics went up by £6.00!!!

20 models for £18.00 to 20 models for £24.00


I posted about this overall on another forum, but to summarise:

Due to overall inflation, we should expect prices for any given item, all else being equal, to roughly double each decade.

Comparing the expected prices from after the June price increase, we see that the prices have increased by just over this ammount, mostly due to GW’s price pointing system. This same system means that half the time they are selling behind the inflation curve, the rest of the time, in front of it.

As a result, looking at the most recent increase alone will not give an accurate view of how their prices have increased.

Also, with plastics, people often expect the plastic kit to be significantly cheaper than the metal because they used to discount it due to the lower quality. Now the quality is equal or higher, people object to paying similar amounts on the assumption it is of lesser quality, even if the kits are bigger or have more options within them.

Incidentally, charging what the market will bear is called capitalism :stuck_out_tongue:

Thommy H:

Incidentally, charging what the market will bear is called capitalism
Which has served us so well up to this point, of course.

There's a difference between charging whatever you (think you) can get away with and charging what market research shows people are willing to pay. Brand loyalty only goes so far, but GW's strategy seems to be based entirely around the (debatable) belief that their customers are so fanatically devoted to the product that they'll pay whatever is asked of them. It's a "luxury product", we're told, and apparently that means its value is "whatever some poor sap will pay".

You don't raise prices like this in a recession, is the bottom line. When your customers have less disposable income, you give them incentives to buy more in order to jump start your business, you don't punish the ones who have stayed loyal by increasing prices.

Kera foehunter:

yea ! i wish i would get a 2.3 Percent raise each year!! But 10 year a go there where metal

now there plastic !!

That like saying you dating a hot guy in his 20s

and a old 45 year guy come to pick you up

yea there both guys !!!