[Archive] New Tactical 2000 point list. Never been done?

Lepreh Khan:

Whenever somebody hears about a dwarf army of any kind they think of turtling artillery army. Bringing this army would sure amaze most people and bring a smile to their face. Right now, this is more of a theory than an actual list. Here it goes:


CD Lord on Taurus

-Black Hammer, Armor of the Furnace, shield


Bull Centaur Hero

-Great Weapon, Armor of Gaz


Hobgoblin Hero

-Heavy Armor, Great Weapon



Hobgoblin Hero

-Heavy Armor, Great Weapon




10 x Chaos Dwarf Warriors


10 x Chaos Dwarf Warriors


10 x Wolfboyz

-Light Armor, Shield

-Full Command


10 x Wolfboyz

-Light Armor, Shield

-Full Command


10 x Wolfboyz

-Light Armor, Shield

-Full Command


10 x Wolfboyz

-Light Armor, Shield

-Full Command



2 x Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers 60


10 x Bull Centaurs

-Heavy Armor

-Full Command



6 x Bull Centaurs

-Heavy Armor



Army Total = 1998


The 2 warrior units set up on either side of the board. 1 Bolt thrower goes with each warrior unit. Their main purpose is to hold 2 table quarters, and they are also compulsory choices.

The Wolves & Bull Centaurs will coordinate their charges to take out units. Some of the wolf boyz will go Light infantry hunting if they need to.

The Lord on Taurus is there to spread his Leadership where it needs to be and to flank/rear charge units to support the wolves and centaurs.


-Extremely mobile (perhaps even more so than Bretts).

-High numbers (well, for a cav army anyways).

-Some good Hammer Units.


-Lower Leadership where the General can’t go.

-Animosity. :frowning:

-Rank Bonuses (though this shouldn’t be too bad if you plan your charges right).

Possible solutions:


-Turn the BC Hero into a BSB with Banner of Slavery…Not too jazzed about this idea.

-Get more BC Heroes to replace the Hobgoblin heroes & boot certain units’ leadership… I’d probably have to drop the smaller BC unit in order to do this.


-Pretty much just deal with it since BLORCS are different now & don’t ride on boars.

Rank Bonuses:

-I could combine the 4 wolboyz into 2 groups of 20 & the BC into 1 group of 16. I don’t think that’s necessary though.

-Always flank attack with Either the BC or Lord on Taurus. I’ll get the charge most of the time, so this is a possibility.

So, what does everybody think? It’s a different play style, but I think it could work and might be pretty effective. Feel free to comment, I would like to get this concept for an army to be pretty solid and competitive.

-Lepreh Khan


Well unfourtunately LK you armylist is illegal, you need a minimum of 3 core units.

Also it seems like you’re trying to make Chaos Dwarfs into something they’re not, you may as well use an orc and goblin army, it would be a lot more effective.


It’s the old min-maxing technique for creating an army. usually they create cheese, but I think you could create a wolfrider army that is much more effective in O&G

Lepreh Khan:

Ok, so here’s how to get the list legal:

Drop 5 BC from the 10 man group and get another bare bones group of warriors.

There are definately some advantages to doing an O&G, which are these:

-The Wolfriders will fill core slots.

-The Wolfriders can get spears.

-You can also have forest goblin spider riders.

-You can also get boar riders.


-Different magic lists.

Here are the advantages that make the CD version unique:

-The wolfriders can get shields and still remain fast cav (which I think is important).

-You get Bull Centaurs.

-You get the Great Taurus instead of the Wyvern (I’ll explain this).

-Arguably a tougher Lord.

-Cheaper bolt throwers (not terribly important).

Here’s why I like the Great Taurus over the wyvern:

-He has one more attack (but one less wound).

-He has a breath weapon (the wyvern has poisoned attacks instead).

The wyvern has to get into combat for all of his abilities to go in his favor. The Taurus can fly behind units and breathe fire, which can create problems on the enemy battle line (they don’t want to turn and face him because if they do they’ll have wolves running up their back). Thus, he’s a little more versatile.

Also the point of this list was not to have a “wolfrider army”, it was an attempt to take the Chaos Dwarf Army list and use it in a unique way. Arguably, you could make a greenskin slave army with Orcs & Goblins and it would be better than a CD greenskin slave army, but the CD greenskin horde is still a type of army used by a handful of people on this site.

-Lepreh Khan


I would say that hogob cav is one of the worst cav units ever. no spears even! So many other cav based armys would be better, like marauder cav. We also dont have chariots as backup or other helpful things.


well they are the 'ardest fast cav in the game…

but this does not work for your list LK…

you need some ranked wolfboyz units for CR…

go gobbo!