[Archive] Not CD, but my armybook


Hey everyone! I’ve taken a break from chaos to pursue my first love… Tyranids! But, thing is, I’ve never played 40k, and have no urge to. So finally I decided to invest time into this project, creating a fantasy tyranid army. I’ve always loved the models so much, and have been just looking for an excuse to use them in fantasy.

So why not just create my own army?

I know alot of you will say “you could use them as counts as____”, and yeah, I could, but that’s not what I want.

So here is my army book so far, I’m in the process of writing fluff, and doing final tweaks on the typesetting, still need to put the ranged weapon profiles into tables, but other than that, it’s done! I got alot of help modifying the rules for fantasy by iggy666 from the Chamber of the Everchosen.

Anyways, read through, tell me what you think! Any suggestions on anything would be appreciated, we tried to make this a fair, competetive and fun army, so let me know.

Here’s the link  http://www.4shared.com/office/E7_i2P1O/tyranid_armybook.html

EDIT: k I fixed those things that I said weren’t done yet… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks everyone! also, if people seem interested, I’ll start an army log :smiley: