[Archive] Nurgle Themed Hellcannon




I’m liking it as it has a nice double use.

Very cool, where did you get the head?


I'm liking it as it has a nice double use.

Very cool, where did you get the head?

The head is one of the variants from the first great unlcean one. I purchased it off ebay but it arrived without the body around the time they hellcannon came out.

I found this link that has head: http://www.zachary.org/games/gw/greatuncl.jpg




Great work! :slight_smile:

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Kera foehunter:

i like it !!!i like the crew to !!! great job Zanthrax


Welcome to the forum!

You might want to take a look at the hellcannon at the bottom of the list of thumbnails. It’s got cool green resin pouring out like slime.


I think your one could be improved with some green washes all over. Perhaps water it down a little at first so you can see how heavy to do it. It would help to tie together everything better IMO.


Nice idea, but in for my taste Nurgle and Hashut don´t fit together.
But that´s my personal opinion.

Despite that small point of criticism very cool idea! :hat off


PS Welcome here in the realm of despair …


Very cool!

My advice would be to grime up the metal a bit, and then stick some Nurglings in the cannon’s mouth.


I like your work mate, are you planinng on making other Chaos Dwarfs - or is this just a single mini project?


I like your work mate, are you planinng on making other Chaos Dwarfs - or is this just a single mini project?

Unfortunately this is a one off and does not fit in with my big hat chaos dwarfs :(

I have about 2500 points of the big hats.

It worked under the old chaos rules with my nurgle themed army but alas is now just an extra piece in my warhammer collection.



Ghrask Dragh:

How did I miss this :~

Nice work, where are the dwarfs from? I like that you’ve gone a little over the norm and not only done a face for hellcannon but have added arms too, really looks like it’s trying to escape :hat off


How did I miss this :~

Nice work, where are the dwarfs from? I like that you've gone a little over the norm and not only done a face for hellcannon but have added arms too, really looks like it's trying to escape :hat off

Ghrask Dragh
Unfortunately I traded some stuff for the dwarfs so have no idea who made them. From what I know they are all from diff companies.

I will see what I can find out.




One word: Awesome!

Great idea to mix the parts of the Earthshaker with those of the Hellcannon, keep it up :hat off


ooo:o really cool, love the crew and the cannons overall nurglness

(might wanna add some more detail on it looks great in some places and flat in other)

Good work!