[Archive] Odd combination

Grimbold Blackhammer:

Ran into a situation last night we were unsure about. My Sorcerer-Prophet innocently cast Ash Storm on an enemy unit. In the following phase I hit the unit with a Deathshrieker Rocket which killed a few models including the unit champion. A model of course had to “step up” to take his place. My question is - does that trigger a “dangerous terrain” check on the unit since a model moved?

Thommy H:

Wouldn’t have thought so.

Hashut’s Blessing:

It’s not actually movement, so no.


Please read the dangerous terrian test in the warhammer rule book. You have to march, flee or charge to take a danagerous terrian test, as ash storm stops you from marching and charging you only ever take the test if you make the unit flee so the answer to your question is no he dosnt :slight_smile:

Grimbold Blackhammer:

And lukealexandermorton cuts to the heart of it. Thanks!

Hashut’s Blessing:

I think the fact that there’s no movement probably takes precedence over the type of movement, lol :smiley: But the point remains nonetheless :smiley:

Grimbold Blackhammer:

I was confusing the text with Fulminating Flame Cage for some reason. I’m dumb :frowning:


Anything triggers Flame Cage.

People use challenges to trigger it all the time. Either they accept and move the champion/character, or they decline and move the character. Catches new players off guard.