[Archive] Old Chaos Dwarf lists

Groznit Goregut:

Hello All,

So, I was sitting around and thinking about how limited the Chaos Dwarf magic item list was. I was wondering what the old army books were like for magic items. I started to think if/when GW brought back CD’s, would they resurrect old CD magic items or make some completely new? What were the old magic items in the old lists that we had? It would be neat to try to update them to 7th Ed. Has it been done already?

After that, I started to wonder about unit choices. Did hobgoblins get the option to do a unit of 5 wolf riders? What were the other unit options? Was there any chaos dwarf infantry that was a medium choice? What were the old lists like?


Good questions. I am very eager for these answers myself!

Thommy H:

Magic items, pre-6th Edition, were not restricted by Army. All of the magic items in the game (except a token few that came with the main boxed set) were represented by cards that came in a separate supplement called Warhammer: Magic (this also contained the full rules for casting spells). Within that enormous selection of spells, there were a few (probably no more than 10%) that were restricted to one particular army. To use some familiar examples, Black Hammer of Hashut was “Chaos Dwarfs only”, but Black Gem of Gnar was not, so anyone could take it.

When 6th Edition came out, the decision was taken to have a very limited list of common magic items (which were similar to the items included in the boxed game in previous editions - Sword of Striking, Sword of Battle, etc.) and all the rest would be contained within Armies books. For Ravening Hordes, the way they went about organising this was to redistribute many of the existing magic items to the most appropriate army. Hence, the Chaos Dwarfs were given a number of items that used to be available to virtually everyone, any “Chaos Dwarfs only” items and a few more thrown in to round out the list a bit.

So, to answer the first part of your question, there aren’t any other magic items for Chaos Dwarfs. They, like everyone else, had access to a vast plethora of magic item cards with very few restrictions. Since then, all the other races have had this massive list of general items replaced with smaller (but still considerable) lists of unique-to-that-race items - Chaos Dwarfs have never gotten beyond Ravening Hordes, so they never got any new items.

Okay, question two, and again this is a change between editions type answer. Before 5th Edition, there were no minimum unit sizes. Instead, there was a blanket rule that a unit had to have five models in it, and that was it. Only with 6th Edition did the concept of units needing 10 or 20 models come into vogue. So Hogboblin Wolf Riders could indeed be fielded in units of five, as could Chaos Dwarf Warriors, Hobgoblin Warriors and anything else in the list.

Finally, the list in Ravening Hordes is a unit-for-unit translation of the White Dwarf presents: Chaos Dwarfs list. There’s nothing new, and nothing left out. What you see in the current list is what Chaos Dwarfs have always had access to.

Ancient History:

So, to answer the first part of your question, there aren't any other magic items for Chaos Dwarfs. They, like everyone else, had access to a vast plethora of magic item cards with very few restrictions.

Thommy H
Although as a further note Chaos Dwarfs had certain allowances and restrictions on the magic items they could take even in White Dwarf Presents: Chaos Dwarfs, specifically: no items restricted to Dwarfs could be taken, and Chaos Dwarfs could use any item usable by Chaos except those restricted to a specific god (Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch).
Finally, the list in Ravening Hordes is a unit-for-unit translation of the White Dwarf presents: Chaos Dwarfs list. There's nothing new, and nothing left out. What you see in the current list is what Chaos Dwarfs have always had access to.
Although as a further note there were some additional units for 3rd edition, like the Chaos Dwarf Crossbows, Berserkers, Bazooka, Mortar, and Juggernaut, which weren't translated - but there were technically [[Chaos Dwarf Renegades]] rather than proper Sons of Hashut.

Groznit Goregut:

Much thanks for the answer…but…BAH! I was hoping for something more interesting.

Still, I do appreciate your answer.


Looks like that covers everything. One interesting thing to note is that some of the unit options are a little different. In 4th/5th ed, e.g. CD warriors could not have handweapon and shield, in fact most CD-only units had no options at all other than command group, while the O&G units seemed to have access to every weapon under the sun (goblins with great weapons were fun and cheap). Characters could have almost any weapon in the game, even ones that no one else in the army could, and champions counted as characters.

Ancient History:

Much thanks for the answer.......but.......BAH!  I was hoping for something more interesting.  

Still, I do appreciate your answer.

Groznit Goregut
If it makes you feel any better Chaos Dwarfs have been connected in fluff to a number of items, new and old.

The original Chaos Tomb Blade, for example, is similar to the Sword of Unholy Power wielded by Manfredd von Carstein in the latest Vampire Counts army book, which in WFRP 2nd edition is named Timor Noctis and was explicitly crafted for Mannfred by the Chaos Dwarfs of Zharr-Naggrund. (Of course, I should also add that Vlad von Carstein originally wielded a magic item that was called the Sword of Unholy Power but with completely different mechanics, and the Lichemeister originally wielded a Chaos Tomb Blade.)

But then there's the Ironback Boar in the the latest Orcs & Goblins army book, the Mastodon Armor in Ogre Kingdoms, and several items in Warriors of Chaos that are all explicitly of Chaos Dwarf manufacture (and ripe for looting!)

Groznit Goregut:

So, I�?Tve been thinking about how I would revamp the CD magic list. I looked at other army books to get a better idea of what they have and point costs.  I’m not sure if this the best place to put it.  Here is how I would revamp our magic list:

Black Hammer of Hashut:  The only thing that I would change would be to make this a flaming attack.  I think it was suppose to be, but they just didn�?Tt want to take up more room.  Why else would it kill flammable targets?  If it were redone, I suspect that the cost would get more expensive, but I wouldn�?Tt change it.

Obsidian Blade: I think this needs to be reduced in cost.  Maybe brought to 35-45 pts?  It is pretty powerful, but you still need to wound with it to make it affective.  Allowing a hero to carry it is important.

Dark Mace of Death: This weapon needs to change somehow.  It�?Ts too expensive at 100 pts and the �?oonce per battle�?� is too limiting.   There is an Empire weapon that allows you to forgo your normal attacks to make one swing.  If you hit, you try to wound at S 10.  If you wound, you cause d6 wounds.  It�?Ts only 60pts.  That sounds much better than what we have.  The ability to affect multiple models, though, is good.  No armor save is very good.  Maybe bring the item down to 60 pts, allow you use it as much as you want,  but maybe you still have to wound the targets?  They get no armor save, so S 10 isn�?Tt really needed.  Make it S6 or S7?  So, you use it, then you roll for how many hits on the target, and then roll to see if all of those wound.  It�?Ts not as crazy powerful as it was, but it�?Ts reduced in points so that someone might actually take it.  Also, you can use it as much as you want.  Or do you think it would be better to have one attempt at causing damage and then it does d3 wounds?

Armor of Gazrakh: The Empire gets this item for only 25 pts.  Why can�?Tt chaos dwarfs make it for less?

Armor of the Furnace: I say leave it as it is.  Maybe check other army books more to see if it needs to be reduced in cost.  I often see armor items pretty cheap.

Talisman of Obsidian: This could be a great item, but as it is, it just sucks.  It�?Ts nowhere near as powerful as it should be for 100 pts.  I recommend making it more powerful and reducing the cost.  Make it a 50 pt item (to allow a hero to carry it).  The wearer and unit he/she is in cannot be affected by spells or magic items.  The unit that is touched by this character cannot be affected by spells or magic items.  This would make the item incredibly useful!  A bull centaur hero with this could cause a lot of damage.  I can even see that this item could give a bonus against undead and demon forces.  The Talisman helps weaken the grip of undead and demons that face off against this unit.  Each unit of one of these types that is touched by the Talisman suffers a -1 or -2 CR each round of combat.  I�?Tm not sure if that�?Ts too much, but it�?Ts really cool (in my opinion).

Gauntlets of Bazhrakk the Cruel: This item can stay.  I don�?Tt really like it, unless used by a hobgoblin.  Dwarfs are too expensive to waste.

Black Gem of Gnar: This item is fine.  Too bad it�?Ts one use only, though.

Chalice of Darkness: I think this item rocks.  As is.

Banner of Slavery: It may seem expensive, but it allows all your greenskin units to re-roll any failed psychology!?!?  Any fear tests, any terror test, any panic tests.  I�?Td love to have this banner in my OnG army!  It�?Ts well worth 50 pts, especially for a Greenskin heavy army.  With a Ld 10 general around, I don�?Tt see anyone failing their checks often, but this ensures that they stand and do their job!

What other magic items would be needed for CD?  I think a lot.  I think CD items would be more about taking things away (reducing, restricting, or removing) stuff from the enemy as opposed to giving benefits.  Does that make sense?

-I could see things that increase Strength.
-I can also see things that get rid of armor saves.  It fits with a few -other items.
-What about an item that is magic and just reduces the armor save by -2 or -3 (like the goblin sneaky skewer)?
-Or an item that adds first strike?  A lot of room for additions here.

-A few more options would be nice.
-Having something that would allow casters to wear and cast spells would be nice.
-Shield that takes away Always Strikes First from a target.
-Some sort of armor that stops impact hits and doesn�?Tt count the opposing unit has having charged.

-More ward saves!
-Something to add +1 to casting
-Bound items that have fire attacks would be flavorful.
-Bound item that allows Crown of Taidron.  A very specific spell that could be used by a specialized unit.  A lord choice on flying terror causer can fly into the middle of an enemy army and use this.  Or even a hobgoblin hero or bull centaur hero rushing among the enemy.  It�?Ts a cool spell that never gets used, but has potential.
-Skull of Despair (bound item): Target unit receives -3 to base Ld for one turn.
-Something that unmakes enemy magic items would be appropriate.  They are master artificers and can most likely de-construct something.

-Having one that gave first strike would be nice.
-A banner that gives +1 to hit with missile weapons, including blunderbusses, would be cool.
-One that makes a unit stubborn.
-One that causes fear?
-Banner of Darkness: -1 to hit this unit with missile weapons
-Banner of Despair: enemy units in combat with this unit receive a -3 to their base Ld (either this or Skull of Despair)
-Dwarf Only Banner that gives +d6 charge bonus or a free, once per game, movement turn in the magic phase (that allows charges).  This might actually see dwarf units charging!
-Banner of the Shadow Realm: turns a unit ethereal.  This maybe a high point item that only a BSB can take.


lizardmen have a lot of magic items with general effects, like " no armoursave allowed" always strikes first", killing blow" and so on. you could just change their names and use them.


Why not make a “demon-weapon/magic-weapon” like dwarf runes? That would be quite cool.


I’ve been thinking of an evil version of runes for chaos dwarfs, so far just mulling ideas.


So with runes or demon-empowerment you wouldn’t need a magic weapon section. Because you could make your own.

turquois dwarf:

I was thinking of doing something similar to dwarf runes but with the types of deamon:idea. for example a suit of armour bound with a bloodthirster (:mad) might give frenzy that is never lost, a weapon bound with a nurgling might give poisoned atacks and a blunderbuss with a flamer of tzeench might use the flame temmplate.


Yeah, pretty much what I’ve been thinking too. Wouldn’t it be cool having a bloodthirster weapon.