[Archive] Oldhammer Miniatures by Andrew Taylor


The below olschool models are all sculpted and sold (or to be sold) by Andrew Taylor, whose Facebook page you can visit here. Contact him there for more details.

Orc Heavy War Chariot

Funded by Kickstarter, to be released:




Snotling in Mushroom Thicket

Chaos Dwarf Asscannon & Crew

Chaos Dwarf Petard & Crew

Chaos Dwarf Axeman

Chaos Dwarf Crossbowman, Standing

Chaos Dwarf Crossbowman, Reloading

The two middle ones in peak caps, drawing their crossbow strings:


Wonderful miniatures. That orc with the sword and the long ears need some Gummi Bears to fight!


Thanks guys, much appreciated. :wink:


Great models- like you already know I love the CD Models! :cheers

Though the Orks are cool too! :hat off



Brilliant stuff! Love the old school style. I see a Zoat unit in my future!


Thanks guys, Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaurs next week.


I may have a project for some of those.


New Kickstarter!


Andy has sculpted a bunch of 10mm scale Ogres, of interest for Warmaster collectors: Kickstarter up now!


Atom’s stuff is great, I’ve nearly finished painting my creatures of chaos and they are excellent miniatures.

The ass-cannon and the chaos dwarf crossbowman could be in teh offing too.

The zoats while interesting and a need of mine… the torso seems to be a bit off in relation to the mini to me. Just a small criticism mind you.


They are some classic looking ogres only tiny! Keep them coming AtomTaylor!


They are some classic looking ogres only tiny! Keep them coming AtomTaylor!

Indeed his stuff is excellent.

I�?Tm close to finishing my chimera and will have all three of the monsters posted soon.


Thanks guys, much appreciated.


Andy, what about this one:

Got any plans for him?


He has a Chaos Style to him, can’t deny. I modeled him on the Old Gimbrinn Finehelm

miniature from the Warhammer Terror of the Lichemaster Secenario. He was originally

supposed to have a Norse look it seems. He is earmarked for a Norse Ulfenwere release

(and a Chaos conversion too). I started working on three Kickstarters at the same time.

Have a Lustria themed one. Lizardmen, Cold ones, Amazons & Slann. Going to release

the Norse Ulfenwere Kickstarter next. I wanted Berserkers, Human & Dwarf and their

Were-counterparts. Almost finished too.

Werewolf Chaos Dwarf by Andrew Taylor, on Flickr

Werewolf by Andrew Taylor, on Flickr

Werewolf by Andrew Taylor, on Flickr

Werewolf by Andrew Taylor, on Flickr


Hopefully, you’ll keep us posted cause I need that not-Finehelm … and that were-dwarf :smiley:


Will keep you posted :wink:


Andy has launched a Kickstarter for a mixed mould of fantasy miniatures, including Dwarf werewolves! Eight more days to go:


Thanks Admiral. :wink:

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