Time of Madness:
I’ve been debating using the new Ork Killa Kans box set in a vain attempt to convert some “golems”.
They look a little too large however for 40mm square bases. Has anyone had success converting these guys?
Would a better alternative be trying to locate the oop metal killa kans? They seem a bit smaller and look to fit on a 40mm square base.
Failing this I’m fresh out of golem ideas…
Time of Madness
It is a tight fit, but you can get the new plastic cans on a 40mm base.
But aren’t killacans too iconic to be used for anything but 40k Orks?
Time of Madness:
Thanks for that. Any idea if the oop metal killa kans would be a better fit (they seem slightly smaller to me).
Time of Madness
I have thought about doing something similar with Killa Kans.
But aren’t killacans too iconic to be used for anything but 40k Orks?
I think it depends on how you modify them. With a bit of creativity, they should look less orkish, and more CDesque.
Da Crusha:
ToM you should check out the inferno golem idea thread , weve talked about the killa kans a bit.