[Archive] Overlord (combat lord)


Overlord -170 pts

Profile: M/WS/BS/S/T/W/I/A/LD

3/ 7  /4  /4/ 6/3/4/4/10


Blackshard armour

Hand weapon

Special rules:





May be equipped with any of following:

Pistol-5 pts

Additional hand weapon - 7 pts

Great weapon- 10 pts

Fireglaive- 15 pts

Naptha bomb- 12 pts

-May take a shield for 4 pts

-May take a mount -(same as sorcerer prophet)

May take magic items up to 125 pts

Pretty much based off the over lord in Mathias Eliasson’s chaos dwarf army book with a few of my own little tweaks.

Would be used in friendly games instead of a sorcerer prophet for me

What do you guys think ? Over or under powered for the points?

Any feedback would be much appreciated


Would make sense to give him an enscorled handweapon like the ironsworn.

As an upgrade or standard.


Give him ensorcelled handweapon as standard equipment, and else he’s fine. Is 170 pts a tad high base cost for a combat lord, or is it worth it due to his stubborn rule? I can’t say.

I’ll probably use him at home once some kind of common agreement on the points cost has been reached.


I actually think I might make him a special character … With some cool name like “Zigzag Ashbourne” or something like that … Same profile characteristics, same special rules but make him like 350-400 pts with these magic items :

Hellfire pistol-

Gives multiple shot (3) special rule. All shots fired are magical and flaming

Dark Halberd of Hashut-

Great weapon, armour piercing… When issued a challenge, the bearer of this giant glaive has the killing blow special ability for the first round of combat.

Black diamond chain -

A large black diamond tennis chain infused with dark energy worn around the users neck Grants a 2+ ward save against all magical and flaming attacks

Onyx armour-

This Blackshard armour is specially crafted for the user and emanates with an intense evil aura that causes fear and grants a 4+ Save

Obviously this would make him pretty damn hard to kill but would he still be too powerful at around 400 pts?


Give him ensorcelled handweapon as standard equipment, and else he's fine. Is 170 pts a tad high base cost for a combat lord, or is it worth it due to his stubborn rule? I can't say.

I'll probably use him at home once some kind of common agreement on the points cost has been reached.

Yea enaorcelled hand weapon or maybe dark forged like the sorcerer prophet ..
And yea I made him 170 because in the book he's 145 . But I gave him 1 extra toughness and stubborn and he has access to an extra 25 pts of magic items than the normal one . So I suppose with the ensorcelled hand weapon, 170 pts would be perfect... So yea that would be the basic combat lord... But I do like the idea of my special charcter in the above post ... Thoughts on him?


No dark forged weapon.

Those are made by the sorcerer prophets - so shouldn’t be given to non-magic-warriors.


Then the basic combat lord is alright. The special character seems like fun, though I can’t comment on points costs. No experience there.


Then the basic combat lord is alright. The special character seems like fun, though I can't comment on points costs. No experience there.

Thanks lol ... To be honest I really don't either .. I just tried to judge it based off others people and based off characters in army books lol ..
Thanks for the positive feed though :)

Hashut’s Blessing:

I wouldn’t have them as Toughness 6 - they don’t turn to stone. Sorcerer-Prophets do and they only get to T6 by taking the Stone Amulet (correct name eluding me right now) or miscasting and failing a Toughness test. Points-wise, compare him to a Chaos Lord and I’d suggest they (as standard) have the same weapon as the Infernal Ironsworn - seems fitting.

Re: special character - should his Halberd not count as a Halberd or be given a different name? The first glaring thing that jumps out to me is how inconsistent that feels :wink:


T6 is extremly high. Too high i think. The destroyer is a T6.

The CD Castellan and dwarf Thane has equal statlines.

Same should go for a lord.

m ws bs s t w i a ld

3 7 4 4 5 3 4 4 10

We’ll look at other stats when the new dwarf armybook hit the shelves.


@hashuts blessing … Yea I forgot they have halberds as a weapon so yea if have to change the name


Yea ur right… good point…