Tarrakk Blackhand:
Found this web site that features paper terrain pieces for villages and interiors of buildings.
Look under the “Shop Catalogue” page.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
Found this web site that features paper terrain pieces for villages and interiors of buildings.
Look under the “Shop Catalogue” page.
Kera foehunter:
wow ships !!! real cool ships !! thanks mr t
paper terrain is great!i have a little castle,was originally a kids toy,with paper characters
but gw minis fit very good so thepaper characters went to my trash can i´ve something to fight fot on my table
It seems very expensive. From what I gathered you’re printing it out… so do you get to print as many copies as you want? Pay for the file?
It’d be fiddly, but while the concept is very cool, and the work they’ve done amazing… for base terrain I might want to do my own work for the short term.
Though I’ve been seeing stuff like this for other things, including space ships, soldiers, naval vessels, etc. This might be a trend coming to the forefront.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
I think you pay for the right to download the file. After that, it’s in your Hard Drive, so you should be able to print off as many copies as you like.
Kera foehunter:
still look like a good idea! there is a lot of ships!
Tarrakk Blackhand:
I like the interior scenes the best. How often do we fight these Warhammer Battles outside? I ESp like the Cathedrals and Bars.
WorldWorks stuff is rather nice, I’ve got most of their Sci-Fi catalog and a bit of their urban stuff. Cardstock modeling is a whole hobby unto itself though; most of the folk who are magnificent cardstock kitbashers seem to use primarily pre-painted figures.
Hasn’t seen much use at the table aside from their dice tower, but in my upcoming Border Town Burning campaign I will be using their Pubs and Inns set to make a kick-ass inn for the Last Orders scenario.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
Sounds like fun! I wish the customers of my hobby shop were a bit more dilligent about playing in my store. Sadly, the small town I have the store in still thinks it has to go to the big city to play Warhammer, despite my invitations and promotions.
If it was different, I’d love to host some Boarder Town Burning and Skirmish scenarios with these paper models.
Right now though, I can’t see the logic in building more terrain that no one plays on.
Can someone please adopt me so I can play some Warhammer?
Cool, but pricey.
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Kera foehunter:
mr t i would but you have to live in the garage !! with my wild cat !!
well let me ask the cat if it ok first if he want a roomie
Tarrakk Blackhand:
Living in the garage is not too far away from living in my Basement.
Kera foehunter:
well i don’t have cats in the basement so you be a lone
but the wild cat said you be a nice addition to the family
Groznit Goregut:
If you want to save some money, you can always Go Here For Free.
Kera foehunter:
But they don’t have ships
Tarrakk Blackhand:
ThanX Groznit Goregut! I didn’t know that one existed!
Kera, when I come live with you, can I live in one of these paper houses? You’ll have to make it a bit bigger. Maybe you could enlarge the plans at Staples or Kinko’s or something?
OOOO! Better not say that too loudly. With the way the recession’s beating me up finacially, I might be close to living in a cardboard box!
Kera foehunter:
well your be easy to find in the cardboard box!!make sure you use a warhammer box for your mail box it would be easier to find
Tarrakk Blackhand:
Knock on wood!
Actually, with all the cardboard boxes that I get as a Hobby Store…if i saved them, i probably could have built Condos out of them.
I wonder if Chaos Black Primer is waterproof?
the nice th ing about paper, is that if you want it permanent, you can use superglue and that ship/boat isn’t going anywhere
Kera foehunter:
tht that is a idea !! Now i know why you are here!!!