So, I’m not sure if this is the best place to ask for it where most people will be able to see it, but at least i can an attempt to get in touch with some people here.
As the title suggest, I’m planning on making a fan-made version of the Chaos Dwarfs book. Yes, I know there’s already Kevin Coleman’s and Thomas Hunt’s versions out there, as well as Tamurkhan, but the first two lacks a lot of the units from Tamurkhan and Tamurkhan lacks a lot of the units from the first two, so I am aiming on meeting a middle ground there.
As such, I would like to ask for the permission to use material from various sources on this forum, like art, unit ideas, background, short stories and the like. Normally a lot of my sources comes from all over the internet, making approaching all the people whose material might be used rather difficult, but in this case most of it comes from this site, so I at least want to make the attempt before using it.
In particular, this applies to the work of Kevin Coleman and Matt Birdoff, Grimstonefire and Revlid, as well as any one else who might have been involved in one of the earlier Chaos Dwarf projects. I’ve already been approached by Thomas Hunt who did not want me to use his material, which I won’t (I trust that I at least can use some ideas like Dirges of Hashut, but not any straight up copying and with different rules), so if anyone else doesn’t feel like having their work in it, let me know. Anyone whose material has been used will be credited in the book, and if I miss to include anyone’s name, just let me know and I’ll add it ASAP.
In case anyone wants some reference for how the book will look like in the end, all my previous books can be found here: http://warhammerarmiesproject.blogspot.se/
Thank you.
Hashut’s Blessing:
I would recommend asking for permission before hand on a case by case basis where possible - otherwise, a repeat of the incident regarding a member’s Issuu file for his friend may happen.
In case you are unaware, the member used various people’s work without prior permission, without proper credit and asked members that didn’t want their work included to say so. Whilst it is good to find out who doesn’t want theirs in, it’s also best to ask before adding the work if the owner minds you adding it in, as well as ensuring correct credit.
Thommy H:
I’m fine with your using concepts (such as Dirges) from my work as long as whole units, characters and, most especially, verbatim extracts aren’t lifted, although please ensure you credit me as Thomas Heasman-Hunt. Just a mention on the credits page is fine for something like that.
I would recommend asking for permission before hand on a case by case basis where possible - otherwise, a repeat of the incident regarding a member's Issuu file for his friend may happen.
In case you are unaware, the member used various people's work without prior permission, without proper credit and asked members that didn't want their work included to say so. Whilst it is good to find out who doesn't want theirs in, it's also best to ask before adding the work if the owner minds you adding it in, as well as ensuring correct credit.
Hashut's Blessing
- Yeah, I read that thread, which is why I decided to make this one now. I'm not going to work on this project right away, so far I have only really been sorting through which material I aim to use. Once that was done, I intended to ask the authors in question. If you happen to know how to best get in touch with the people I mentioned (don't know all their forum names), I'd appreciate it. For a lot of the art though, I have no name to go on for each individual picture and as such intended to simply include the names of all those who has been credited in previous army books so I wouldn't miss anyone.
I'm fine with your using concepts (such as Dirges) from my work as long as whole units, characters and, most especially, verbatim extracts aren't lifted, although please ensure you credit me as Thomas Heasman-Hunt. Just a mention on the credits page is fine for something like that.
Thommy H
- No problem, the only fluff text that is in it atm are a couple of quotes (can remove those as well if you want) and a small paragraph on the petrified sorcerer (which I have edited). I'll see to it that your name gets right :)
If you can find any of the material I wrote you are free to use it as you see fit.
As long as I’m credited somewhere if you know you’ve used something of mine I’m happy. Artwork I would like to be credited directly for (so if it’s writing and art my name appears twice).
I’m guessing the majority of people here do not know I’ve written anything at all actually! ;) Despite it being about 100 pages. My best writing days are behind me now I think. :~
Edit. Thinking about it I’m not sure why you would need to be mentioning Revlid at all in the credits unless you are looking at my work or his early work.
Afaik Revlid has not written anything new suitable for putting in a CD book in at least 4 years (which is a great shame for us all). He did do a whole book of his own that may be on here somewhere.
I believe he still posts fairly frequently on Warseer if you were interested.
If you can find any of the material I wrote you are free to use it as you see fit.
As long as I'm credited somewhere if you know you've used something of mine I'm happy. Artwork I would like to be credited directly for (so if it's writing and art my name appears twice).
I'm guessing the majority of people here do not know I've written anything at all actually! ;) Despite it being about 100 pages. My best writing days are behind me now I think. :~
Edit. Thinking about it I'm not sure why you would need to be mentioning Revlid at all in the credits unless you are looking at my work or his early work.
Afaik Revlid has not written anything new suitable for putting in a CD book in at least 4 years (which is a great shame for us all). He did do a whole book of his own that may be on here somewhere.
I believe he still posts fairly frequently on Warseer if you were interested.
Glad to hear, thank you. I'll see if I can get contact with him through Warseer then, it is his old list posted on this site that I am referring to :)
Hashut’s Blessing:
Matt Birdoff’s username can be found by searching for the Indy GT list, but I can’t guarantee he will read/respond.
Thomas Hunt has already responded and updated the name 
Very good thinkign by asking for permission before using stuff, lol
If you want to use my stuff, I doubt I’ll have problem with it, but send me the work when you ask permission so I know which piece it is please, hahaha.
Matt Birdoff's username can be found by searching for the Indy GT list, but I can't guarantee he will read/respond.
Thomas Hunt has already responded and updated the name ;)
Very good thinkign by asking for permission before using stuff, lol ;) If you want to use my stuff, I doubt I'll have problem with it, but send me the work when you ask permission so I know which piece it is please, hahaha.
Hashut's Blessing
Yeah, I think it might be MattBird or something like that? I believe I've read some of his forum posts, but it was a long time ago.
Do you go by the name of Hashut's Blessing? I don't recognize the name among the source material, so I'm not sure I have any of your material to begin with? Do you have any specific work you could name?
The material I currently got is:
- Tamurkhan
- 5th ed Chaos Dwarf book
- Dwarfs of Chaos by Kevin Coleman
- Chaos Dwarfs by Grimstonefire
- Chaos Dwarfs by Revlid
- Warpstone Magazine 28
Plus various artwork found on this site and through google searches and DeviantArt.
Thommy H:
If you’ve included anything about Rykarth the Unbreakable, HB needs a credit.
If you've included anything about Rykarth the Unbreakable, HB needs a credit.
Thommy H
I wouldn't really say I have "included" anything yet, I've barely begun working on it apart from sorting through the material I'm thinking of using.
But Rykarth the Unbreakable was one of the special characters I did intend to use, so here goes: can I use the background for Rykarth? Pretty please? :D
Hashut’s Blessing:
Almost everything to do with Rykarth on the Internet is from my writings. I spied a page on him, read briefly and after approximately 5 words recognised it as mine
A vague mention of Hashut’s Blessing on the page is cool with me and my real name in the credits page, please
But yes, is the answer 
Almost everything to do with Rykarth on the Internet is from my writings. I spied a page on him, read briefly and after approximately 5 words recognised it as mine ;) A vague mention of Hashut's Blessing on the page is cool with me and my real name in the credits page, please ;) But yes, is the answer :D
Hashut's Blessing
Thanks :) With "vague mention" I take it that you means just having the words Hashut's blessing in the fluff or rules? It would look a bit disjointed having one page saying "written by X" in the middle of the bestiary, is all.
Feel free to PM me your real name if you want, unless it is already part of the Dwarfs of Chaos book (in which case everyone there will be credited). I got permission from MattBird as well :)
Unfortunately, Revlid doesn't seems to be very active anymore, he's last post of Warseer was over 2 years ago...
If it helps I could fully believe this is the same person:
If you do speak to him say hi from me.
Incidently, as you happen to be one of the few that may read my work, if you did need me to clarify or write something specific based on my fluff just give me a shout.
Hashut’s Blessing:
PM sent.
This message was automatically appended because it was too short.
I want to make it entirely, unequivocally clear that…
Not only would I be absolutely fine with everyone and anyone using what I created-- I would be outright flattered. As amusing as the time I spent dissecting the Warhammer Rules, pouring over every rulebook and thinking about how to create fair and balanced rules might have been, I would be happy if the time I devoted wasn’t entirely and utterly wasted and at some point brings some amusement to someone else.
I am never, ever going to make any real use of it. I am not deluded enough to think I am going to become a fantasy game writer or something. Hell, I don’t have the damn attention span for that. I come, I do, I conquer and I move on. I already have a job I am quite happy with. So, please, by all means I suggest everyone look at what I put together at how to use hobgoblins (not that anyone necessarily does) and use it or altering and put it back as much or often as they want. I honestly don’t even care if you care if you credit me-- I go by a dozen online monikers and unless someone decided to really do some research back when that book was still up, no one really knows who I am anyway. So, honestly, I sort of prefer it in that way. I would rather be pleasantly surprised one day coming across something and knowing secretly to myself that I inspired it at some point.
Seriously, I don’t know why some people have turned selfish and gotten a big metal rod shoved up their back-end, but I was under the impression from day 1 that everything we did was an open community project for a model line that had been discontinued and, if we were ever going to be honest with ourselves, was never going to be recontinued because in the era of online electronic gaming the whole concept of dumping a thousand dollars and spending over a year individually painting models for a game where you need to spend an enormous amount of time to set up matches and 8 hours to play a game that might honestly be effectively won within the first 20 minutes is over. Chaos Dwarfs may arise again in the form of a late expansion for some online game-- if GW ever gets their act together in the electronic market, but even in that case-- everything here is really for naught if no one ever uses it.
And if you intended for it to never be used or looked at ever again-- why exactly did you make it in the first place and why not delete all threads that pertain to it now? Everything I did was to inspire people to build and try out the army or at least make their own variation of the rules. But I never even had the time, patience and attention span to finish building and painting the army I planned in the first place.
And that attitude is precisely what is so very, very wrong with so many game designers.
What you fail to realize is that, quite simply, you did not do a perfect job. And I did not do a perfect job. And, frankly, no one could do a perfect job. If things were to be left intact and not repurposed outside of their original, intended context-- quite simply the ENTIRE gaming industry would not exist. In fact, no genre of fiction would exist if that attitude had prevailed.
In this particular case though? Hell-- if ancient celtic mythology had held your attitude, Thommy, then I guarantee that Lord of the Rings NEVER could have been written. Nor could any of the other fantasy novels that took Tolkein’s reinvention of mythological creatures and posited them as effectively human nationalities and then pitted them against a great evil.
And had these ideas never been repurposed beyond their original intention of selling a set of novels, Chainmail could never have existed. And had the intention of Chainmail held true-- then Dungeons & Dragons never could have existed. It just wouldn’t have been a leap that no one would have been allowed to make.
And you know what? If Dungeons & Dragons had never existed, then there simply would have been no place for a company to make models for the game such as a small English company known as Citadel Models which would have become known as Games Workshop.
And had that company been forbidden to exist and had those models been marked to never be repurposed outside of D&D, then there would be no place in the world for WarHammer to begin with.
And if Games Workshop weren’t such short-sighted asses so anxious to shoot themselves in the foot, then they never would have flipped off an upcoming computer gaming company that wanted to make a WarHammer game known as Blizzard… and WarCraft never would have been born.
You see-- it is all a progression of people stealing each other’s best ideas and then adding their own spin and ideas and continuing forth. If you were to be honest, Thommy, TRULY honest, then your own list of credits would be nearly unbearably wrong. But instead you have stolen ideas from two dozen people who came before you and never once thought twice about crediting them or acknowledging them. I’m sure you rationalized it in some manner-- but 70+% of what you absolutely demand to receive full credit for was conceptualized, composed and actualized before you ever came to the party.
Perhaps one day you’ll grow up enough to get over yourself. In fact, I am sure that day will eventually arrive even if it takes a long time. But right now your position is that of a blind, unaware, selfish ass. And probably nothing I have wrote will be able to get through to you to make you realize your own error-- but if it someone else “gets it” and stops acting as though your stance has any merit, I’ll be more than satisfied.
I might be willing to go with you as far as saying it would be best for someone to go ahead and copy the figures you arrived at for the values of things in the current edition of WarHammer without specifically suggesting you endorse any changes they may have made-- but that’s about it.
As it is relevant to people who could not see what I have written elsewhere:
As I see it, anything anyone puts on the internet in a format that can be copied faces the risk that it will be copied and either uncredited or hideously distorted outside of the original authors knowledge or intention. If you don’t protect yourself in how you present it you have to accept this is something that can happen. If you don’t accept this, either don’t put it on the internet or don’t discuss it on CDO.
So really, anyone concerned with people stealing their work in a copy and paste format should not put it on the internet in this way.
Someone said the other day you can put it on as a picture, or in an uneditable pdf format. Either of those ways will instantly stop anyone stealing large quantities of text as they will very quickly get bored retyping it.
Of course it won’t help people who have already sent it out across the internet in a way that can be copied, but going forwards it’s obviously something to consider.
It is of course, but you are ‘lucky’ in a way that everyone you have needed to contact about using your work has been a member of CDO.
There will no doubt be people out there who see your list on Issuu and decide to use the work for their list and share it with their friends but have no connection to CDO and no intention of ever making contact with you.
Basically I’m saying that in an ideal world people would ask first, but in reality if you stop them copying then you wouldn’t risk people using it without permission.
Sadly (in my opinion) the only solution is one where anyone who shares anything publicly accepts that the act of sharing material implies that anyone else can use it for any purpose, credited or not. Which sucks for the people that put the work into creating it, because most of the rewards associated with creating new and interesting content will no longer exist. It also sucks for the community as a whole, as it would be perfectly understandable if the creators of that material stopped sharing it publicly.
Looking at this I see two valid sides to the argument but how about we do without flaming each others opinions.
Otherwise locky locky time.