[Archive] Question(2)


Hello all, I’m new to Warhammer. So I was wondering if you could use dwarf slayers in Chaos Dwarf armies?

A link if you don’t know what I’m talking about.


Even though you probably do.

Border Reiver:

The short answer is no, Chaos Dwarf Armies do not have slayers. The Slayers are part of the dwarf army list - the pics you’re looking at are an army of dwarfs made to look “chaosified”.

A real chaos dwarf army is made using the army list found on the wiki, which you will note does not include slayers.

That being said, you can use slayer models to proxy chaos dwarf warriors (a chaos dwarf army at the 2003 Canadian GT did).


Some home brew army books/lists like the idea of an equivalent unit to Dwarf Slayers - the Berserkers… but more Chaosy. I’m sure if you look around at some of the home brew content, you’ll find many a version of them.