[Archive] Rhimlock's Blog


After starting in the a conversion thread , I think it’s time to start a blog.

So here are the pictures:

With 2-handed weapons

Weapon and shield


(the base is still unfinshed and I’m unsure, if I should change his weapons)

2 weapons

Ranged weapons


Woooh! congrats on starting the blog! looking forward to following!

well done trimming down the weapons, they look even better then before, not to mention those great skirmish trays!

I also love the Hero unit (although his front side pic is a smig blurry I think), I was really looking forward to seeing someone built with those great Chaos Knight helms!


Looks fantastic! Like tiny chaos warriors… Are they for AoS?:slight_smile:


Looking great! I definitely have to dig at home for some stormvermin bodies and try this out!


Very nice. you’ve done an excellent job on them


Woooh! congrats on starting the blog! looking forward to following!

well done trimming down the weapons, they look even better then before, not to mention those great skirmish trays!

I also love the Hero unit (although his front side pic is a smig blurry I think), I was really looking forward to seeing someone built with those great Chaos Knight helms!

Yeah, I will make a less blurry photo of him, as soon as I have decied for a weapon swap and finished his base.
Looks fantastic! Like tiny chaos warriors... Are they for AoS?:)

Amongst others like Mordheim, Fantastic Saga and Song of Blades and Heroes.

And here is a litte preview from my current workbench:


really nice conversions that will get a paint job to match! Looks great for the 3rd edition range!


Looks like another fun batch up ahead! Can’t wait to see them painted.


The guy with the tankard in the middle looks so cute! You got a unique style to these, well done! :slight_smile:


5 more CD with 2 weapons finished.

Sadly the squad base was lying in the sun and got warped by the heat :frowning:

For the guy with the whip, I used a regular clan rat (from IoB-box) instead of a stormvermin. It was a litte bit more to do, since I had to widen the cloak around the leges and on the shoulders.

Pictures also added to the first post


Another great looking unit! I particularly like the guy with the duel hammers

Timothy Archer:

this is such a beautifull unit , love the chaos warrior look and the painting is neat too !!


Best kitbash I’ve seen in a while, and that’s saying something. Unique and distinctive look. Well done!


Yes, yes give us more! Agree with all above. :slight_smile:


Glad to hear that. Keeps me motivated :slight_smile:

So here are some ranged CD.


really impressive! you are using your bits box really well


Wonderful! :slight_smile:

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As I said the conversion thread absolutely awesome.

If I were to do more (or another) CD Army this is how I’d do it.


Exellent stuff! Love the teal warpstone, it looks great!


Tasty! This is turning into an army to savour. :hat off