[Archive] rugluds armoured orcs and mages



i dont know if anyone has noticed but on the top of the banner pole there is a chaos dwarf, do you think he would be suitable as a chaos dwarf mage - 3rd ed style - or is he a little bit to small??

im not sure, looks like no feet, but they can be added on him and put on a raised base to make him taller

Hashut’s Blessing:

It looks very heavily armoured for a sorcerer that, ruleswise, is unarmoured. Also, the legs aren;t there as well. Shouldn;t be too diffficult to leg swap or sculpt some on. Let me know how the conversion goes!


if i can find one lol, ill pretend its paper armour hes wearing - as long as the opponent knows its all good


Are you sure he is a CD?

Hashut’s Blessing:

The proportions seem to imply dwarf size and the armour style implies 3rd ed Chaos, so I believe so.

Kera foehunter:

maybe he an goblin in chaos dwarf armor. no chaos dwarf would let this banner fly!!


The fluff behind the models is that they stole a load of crossbows and armour from the Chaos Dwarfs after finding them dead (they had defeated him previously). They had been attacking a Dwarf stronghold, no obvious survivors on either side.


maybe he an goblin in chaos dwarf armor. no chaos dwarf would let this banner fly!!

Kera foehunter
brilliant, i can immagine a goblin wandering through the cds wearing armour trying not to get caught, or ranked up for battle trying to deepen his voice


I’ve actually seen these models in person ( a buddy of mine plays O&G) and its not that big, If I had to say its around goblin scale AFAICR.


thanks, if i can get one i will see how it looks and how it goes, and try to post pics :slight_smile:


Personally I wouldn’t wreck a classic mini for a conversion for which there a plenty of suitable alternatives, but its your cool


Ah, those are great minis.:cheers

I should paint mine up for my army, but the orcs from the current range are so ridiculously huge by comparison that Ruglud and his boys have lost some of their menace.

And, yes, the banner top is a bit too small to make a mage I’d say.


For those who don’t know. At the scale we are talking it would be a snotling sized chaos dwarf sorceor…