If that fluff were canon, it actually agrees with the dwarf book when you read them. The fluff says there were runesmiths (which the dwarf book doesn't say disappeared).
Hashut's Blessing
The Dwarf book says that they didn't know runes before then, so there wouldn't have been
runesmiths before they knew runes.
The dwarf book says that no hero like the original three arose when the chaos dwarfs became corrupted and the fluff says the chaos dwarfs were abandoned by the ancestor gods (another concurrence there. They both say that the heroes had become Gods and not helped)
The three heroes, Grungni, Grimnir, and Valaya, didn't become gods until much after the fact. Only much after chaos had been beaten back to the chaos wastes did Grimnir lay down a single axe to his son Morgrim and stalk into the wastes to find the portal. Grungni and Valaya disappeared, and after that time the dwarfs knew them as the Ancestor Gods. Which is much after the Chaos Dwarfs were corrupted. In the Dwarf book, Grungni and Valaya didn't disappear until the Golden Age, after Chaos had been beaten back and the elfs had trapped the chaos magics in their vortex. They're known as the Ancestor Gods because they were real Dwarfs at a time, that time was during the Comming of Chaos, and the Chaos Dwarfs never knew them, as real beings and certainly not as Ancestor Gods.
but it doesn't contradict the dwarf fluff, WDP:CD, the Hellcannon or anything else...
and to the question of the OP: "What happened to the CD Runesmiths?"...
the answer is still: "they killed them all"...
The Chaos Dwarfs never had Runesmiths according to the Dwarf Fluff. Runes were only taught to dwarfs bu Grungni as a means of defense against chaos
after chaos had swept the land and only
after the Dwarfs had come out of their mountain holds. This places it at a time only after the coming of chaos and after the Dwarfs of the Great Skull Land had become Chaos Dwarfs (During the time the other dwarfs were hiding in their holds).
In "The Orphans" bit about the chaos dwarfs it says that they didn't have leaders like Grungni, Valaya, or Grimnir that appeared. I fail to see how they could have had runesmiths if the dwarfs were only taught to use runes by Grungni after the coming of chaos, and how the Chaos Dwarfs could have known runes if they didn't know Grungni.
It also contradicts the unprinted version of events by placing Grungni, Valaya, and Grimnir as physical beings, and not as the ancestor gods yet, at the time of the comming of chaos. Only later were they known as the Ancestor Gods, much after the disappearance of Grimnir in the Chaos Wastes. Further it goes on to say that the Chaos Dwarfs never knew of Grimnir, Valaya, and Grungni, because they had only risen to lead the dwarfs after the mountain dwarfs had left the holds after the coming of chaos.
Where the unprinted version of events places them as having been the Ancestor Gods and well known to the Chaos Dwarfs well before that time. It also places Runes and runesmiths as having been around for a long time by that point, another thing at odds with the latest fluff.
So we have two time lines:
The Official Version (Printed in WA: Dwarfs)
1. Chaos comes, the dwarfs hide in their holds. Those of the great skull land are caught unprotected, corrupted, turned into Chaos Dwarfs.
2. The Mountain Dwarfs leave their holds.
3. Grungni teaches the dwarfs to use runes, Valaya protects them from the chaos magic, and Grimnir slays hundreds of daemons with his axes.
4. Grimnir stalks into the Chaos Wastes looking for the Chaos Portal to close it. Valaya and Grungni disappear. All Three are venerated from then on as the Ancestor Gods.
The Unofficial Version (Unprinted, never confirmed, and much older than the official version in WA: Dwarfs)
1. The Dwarf Ancestor Gods
2. Runes are taught
3. The Coming of Chaos
4. CD Runesmiths are killed, ancestor gods cast off.