[Archive] Siegeshaker Kits


I am opening this up for reputation purposes, I am trying to remember who bought one, so I can give them all some reputation.

I have already given reputation to:
Hashut’s Blessing
Pyro Stick



awesome! Do you think you’ll have any in September? Thats when I can think about buying anything.

I’d want just the basic version, as I want to construct something a bit less demonic. I never liked the hellcannon because of that…


I really mean that I was unlocking the thread for the reputation thing… not selling again.

I have only scraps left, what I will probably end up doing is converting up Earthshakers and selling them as complete conversions with any stock I have left. But I have basically nothing left but scraps.


oh… darn… those things were really cool. Do you know where I might find a set of Siege?


eBay I should think. → [ebay]siege[/ebay]?

EDIT: Nope, doesn’t look like it. It is a fairly old game…