[Archive] Site Suggestions


You mean like the View New Posts link in the top left under your username?


How about the year end awards there Xander?


a link on the main page to the art gallery thread

i would love it


One thing that might be nice is a role playing section such as they have over at druchii.net but I’m not sure if people would use it.

p.s.link to druchii http://www.druchii.net/portal.php


a link on the main page to the art gallery thread
i would love it

It might even be a good idea to compile all the official art on the main page somewhere...
One thing that might be nice is a role playing section such as they have over at druchii.net but I'm not sure if people would use it.
p.s.link to druchii http://www.druchii.net/portal.php

What is the function of such a section? Care to elaborate?

Pyro Stick:

One thing that might be nice is a role playing section such as they have over at druchii.net but I'm not sure if people would use it.
p.s.link to druchii http://www.druchii.net/portal.php

What is the function of such a section? Care to elaborate?

I guess it could be used to develop the ideas for additional units and chaos dwarf fluff etc.


If that is the case, we have that section in the forum, and it doesn’t really need a place on the main page.


Great idea here



I will try out that one you found, tomorrow, Willmark.


Cool. I think that one might be a better solution, more compact too. I just didnt want to “toot my own horn” as it were.

Remember back up copy first!


If I have to back everything up, then I won’t be able to do this from work… hrm.

Is that what the plugin said? Back everything up first? :S


How about on the main page of Chaos Dwarfs Online we have a section where people can link to companies other than GW selling Chaos Dwarf models?

I know that there is a thread on here someplace that Tommy pointed out but I think alot of new people would overlook that and it would be better to have a whole section in the main menu so that everyone would be able to find it and perhaps we would see an increase in armies, after all is CDO not about keeping the chaos dwarfs alive?

Hashut’s Blessing:

A roleplaying area is a section dedicated to those that wish to do roleplaying games, with or without stats.

zorn sabretooth:

:wat we should do is have a roleplaying forum like thev one on bugman@s forum p.s idid pull a door when it said push and i actually started my adventure in zharr

Uzkul Werit:

We had an RP section back in the day on The Grand Alliance.

I did have a suggestion but for the Chaos Star webring. Other than the links down on the bottom of each forum, it doesn’t serve much of a purpose. Maybe if the ring had a combined webzine, podcast or summat to that effect?


I didn’t notice this when I looked over the previous pages, so if it has been asked and I overlooked it, please feel free to stripe me as you see fit…

Is there an option that allows us to show our nationality? Similar to dakkadakka’s if you are familiar with that site. It allows the person to check a box for their nationality and it shows the nation’s flag by the person’s name.

In that way, at a glance, we (I) can tell if someone is from another country etc.


We have considered adding such a flag identifier. Until we do, you have to click on people’s names to see their profile, and then check their location.

Hashut’s Blessing:

As Mr. Xander has said. Of course, not everybody will want to do this anyway. Also, there are issues when somebody is from, say, Italy and now living in, say, America…


As Mr. Xander has said. Of course, not everybody will want to do this anyway. Also, there are issues when somebody is from, say, Italy and now living in, say, America...

Hashut's Blessing
That is a valid issue, and I do not have a great knowledge of what is available for php or whatever engine is used to run the website. However, I would imagine that it could be remedied quite easily with a nationality marker (where you are from) and a current location (no marker but includes your current location).

Of course there will be some that due to "security" or "privacy" would rather opt out, and of course that option is easy enough as all you do is click on the nationality part if you want to show it, and the location, you just type in.. (is there anything on everysite that everyone opts into? I doubt it.. lol)

Real issues, but something I'd think is easily resolved. (Hey, I'm optimistic anyways.. ):hat off


its probably beter to make a drop down menu to select your country (because of spelling errors). and in a drop down menu you could make an option: don’t reveal my location, or something similair