[Archive] Skull Shaman


Very cool Fig, nice job

Pyro Stick:

any update on getting this guy cast? I was hoping he'd become available some time soon especially because sorcerers are so important in 8th ed. it could be a nice addition to any chaos dwarf army.

Da Crusha
I asked m3lvin about this recently and this is the reply i got: I've contacted a company to cast them for me, but I'll have to redo the axeblade on him before, since I was foolish enough to carve the blade from pvc, but I promise you, the model will be casted eventually

Da Crusha:

ooh, that sounds good. I thought it was a forgotten project.


real sick. Looks awesome!


Now he gotta make a army ! thats the rules ! Sorry ChristerE thats how it is ;)

indeed, rules are rules.;)


very nice sorcerer…