Kera foehunter:

here is another Kera idea!!

i was thinking of a slave trade

what it is a person make a figure or a conversion that they would

put up here to be bid on !! this is for fun !! no money !

its trading figure only!! you pm the person that has the slave to bid on

and give them a bid!! then the slave owner decides to take which one

of the bids

this is just an idea



So, it’s basically biding on mini’s using slaves right?
(sorry to ask but it’s late and the coffee’s wearing of… :))

If it is I’d do it!


If you’re planning on auctioning off miniatures using slaves as payment you should probably ban moderators from bidding :wink:

Kera foehunter:

i though of trading figures for the bid figures !!

but hey trading slaves could be good too!!

so i was thinking not painted or painted figure???

just trying to get some feed back on this idea >


I think Kera means that the mini IS the slave, and so you’d bid another slave (a mini) on it. Its a glorified mini-trade, except that painted/converted mini (healthy slaves) might be worth more than an unassembled, head missing mini. It would probably be a good way of getting rid of minis you don’t like and get some you do.

Kera foehunter:

well that a great way to explain it !! Grndl ! this is a way that you could get

maybe part of a figure or even bits you may need

maybe the piece up to bid on the trader may ask for what they need ??

maybe slaves from the site a type of figure or pieces ? just an idea too!

mabe even putting up some green stuff still working idea

Hashut’s Blessing:

I like the idea, but how about we have three categories that people must state their model is under:

* Painted miniature being bidded for with other painted miniatures.

* Unpainted miniature being bidded for with other unpainted miniatures.

* Miniature being bidded for with slaves.

As for bits trades, I think that’s better kept to the Market Place. Basically, make a model and post the pic, then say if you’re looking for slaves or a miniature of equal painting stature (meaning full painted or unpainted, assuming yours is painted or unpainted respectively).

Kera foehunter:

well i might have time this weekend to put these idea together for a draft

and then we can fine tun it

Auretious Taak:

I like the idea, but how about we have three categories that people must state their model is under:
* Painted miniature being bidded for with other painted miniatures.
* Unpainted miniature being bidded for with other unpainted miniatures.
* Miniature being bidded for with slaves.

Hashut's Blessing
What if people want miniatures AND Slaves?

Kera foehunter:

well what if people want slaves mini and starbuck coffie couponds this can go on and on

so let me work on the rules first then we can deside


I don’t see the point of making categories. I actually think it destroys the spirit thats being offered. Say I have a half converted mini that I don’t think I’ll ever finish. I put it up for auction. Someone bids 1 painted mini thats not so good, but a mini I might want. I might be inclined to accept that bid. If someone REALLY likes my half converted mini, they may offer an unassembled dreadnought, or monster, because they want it bad. Or maybe they want to get rid of 10 sprues of a crappy plastic saurus or something, but I might have a hankering for crappy plastic saurus.

In an old GW auction I ended up with 11 ape/monkey familiars. I thought they’d be useful for conversions. I saw them after I paid out the auction and thought to myself, what am I going to use these for? I used one as a model, gave 1 to several friends and still have about 7 left. So, I might use them to bid with. :stuck_out_tongue: Who knows, maybe someone wants them for an ape/monkey familiar army they’re working on and would gladly give up his/her newly converted pirate CD sorceror of Slaanesh with multi-melta combiweapon for them…?

Kera foehunter:


! post figure (a picture would be great ) or explain what it is !

then we will give it a week time limit !!

then the slave seller will detemin what they seek

this is to be trade only (no money )

this is for fun!!!

and a way to trade away stuff you no longer need !!

painted and non painted figures

please this is to be done in a proper way

when you bid on stuff be prepared to trade for it !!

when you bid on a idea do it thew pms

i hope this will be fun for everone!!



Hashut’s Blessing:

Auretious Taak: because that would be greedy :stuck_out_tongue:

I only suggested that we have categories to avoid people suggesting they trade a slave for a master-painted super-converted character and being the only bid, therefore having trade.

Kera foehunter:

well i want say

adminment #1 to the rules

you don’t have to trade if you have one bid

unless it equal to the slave being traded!!

Pyro Stick:

Sounds like a good idea for those that are good at converting CD’s and dont mind making a few to trade. I think it should be called SlaveBay

Kera foehunter:

that a great name Slavebay

im working out the bugs and the problems so any help would be great !!

so im looking at after chirstmas first of the year

due to the spending money and time people are away from home!!

so get the pictures ready

Kera foehunter:

thows who want to help !!pm me

i have receved some great idea   still working on the rules (so they will be fair for a new new member and a OLD MOD )

this is just a up date to tell everone

this will happen looking at the first of the year

you still have time to pm me

Hashut’s Blessing:

I don;t think I’ll be taking part, but I’ll help as much as ye want :wink:

Kera foehunter:

pm me !! i need help polishing the rules  

already have one member sent photo

im trying to get it done by sat  13 th

since this is going to be on a trial baces at first i want to start it out right