[Archive] Slave Units(1)


I would like to hear some oppinions on which units I can allow myself to use as slave units under house rules in the hopefully upcoming battle against Vasquez’s never-dying army :slight_smile:

What do you guys think about these suggestions:

Snotlings - they shall not count towards the minimum of core units.

Norse/chaos Marauders - as core choice.

Gimme some good ideas :cheers

Everything is needed… from core to rare, self invented units and so on…

Cheers :cheers



Well considering that it is a home game there really is no limit that you can do as long as you both agree on the forces that are set up.


Well considering that it is a home game there really is no limit that you can do as long as you both agree on the forces that are set up.

Agree, but I'll like to hear all of your point-of-view on what kind of figures might fit the CDs'?


Skaven clanrats/slaves, (night)goblins, empire milita… as willmark said, there´s not really a limit, specially if it´s just houserules.


take dogs of war units etc and say that they have been enticed to fight with the promise of gold… but little do they know that once the battle is done they are destined for a much darker fate!


In my opinion Ogers and perhaps Trolls are the best “slave”/ Dogs of War unit for the CD (other that the Orks and Black Orks).

They fit best to the backgrund! But the idea with the Chaos Marauders/Babarians are also very charming!

Kera foehunter:

merchant are you playing her vampier army i get a lot of hobgoblin!!! dwarf slaves!!!or dow

use the dark elves manflayers