
Auction includes only one goatman (more could be seen on photo though) - torso with legs, head and 2 arms - it has 19 cm height with sword and 11 cm height to top of head.
Starting time: Tuesday March the 17 10.00 PM CET (GMT +1)
End time: Tuesday March the 24 10.00 PM CET (GMT +1)
Item location: Poland Europe
Starting bid: 1 slave
Current highest bid: 25 slaves
Pyro Stick:
whips out measuring tape wow Thats really cool. Im going to have to bid on this as well. Why did you decide to sculpt a Goatman?
It’s a shame it ended on the 24th of February apparently, since I’m sure it would have attracted bids.
Pyro Stick:
It's a shame it ended on the 24th of February apparently, since I'm sure it would have attracted bids.
The thread was posted yesterday so im assuming Grom meant to write 17th of March as the starting date and 24th of March as the end date.
Lord Archaon:
It isn’t a goatman it’s a statue. Here is the thread showing Grom building it.
Is too a goatman! Its just a statue of a goatman. I think the creator and poster of this auction should know what it was and he has descriptively referred to it as “goatman”…
Lord Archaon:
I wasn’t arguing about it not being a goatman, i just said that this “goatman” is made to be a statue. Thats all. 
ouch… Im so lazy - I just copied my last auction description 
Here goes pic of assembled one:

Highest bid for today is: 25 slaves
Im new to slavebay, how do i bid/ recive the item im bidding? and do i lose slaves if i lose the bid?
Ghrask Dragh:
PM grom with how many slaves you would like to bid (click his username and select the send private message)
If you have the highest bid by the 24th March you have won and must donate the number of slaves you bid to grom, if you do not win you do not loose any slaves :cheers
Today highest bid is: 25 slaves
from tomorow ill post everyday at 22 cet (and only in case if there would be higher bid that before).
I remind that only 22 hours left to end of auction…
Lord Archaon wins auction with 26 slaves - contact me by pm…
Im bit disappointed coz of amount of slaves… ;
Pyro Stick:
Lord Archaon wins auction with 26 slaves - contact me by pm...
Im bit disappointed coz of amount of slaves... ;
Damn, i really wanted to win this one. I must have missed it by just a few hours. I hope you will put another one up on slavebay someday.