[Archive] So who pre ordered the new Dwarfes?


Who ordered the new dwarves? Will you be converting them to Chaos or playing them straight? I’m just curious.


I’m not going to be ordering for a while, as I want to see what models are released next.  But I do quite like the hammerers, kept as regular dwarfs.


I was incredibly tempted to, but as they’ve just been released, and there’s no discount for pre-ordering/release bundles, I have no reason to grab them right away/all together.

I will at some point, and give some love to my much neglected dwarf army!


Nope! Too many others languishing in need of attention and paint


Personally ive never liked.the standard Dwarves. They seem incredibly generic to me. I am confused though as I thought they were getting a book, and plastic slayers…small release.


GW have switched to weekly release schedule staggered over the month. This coincides with the new White Dwarf Weekly which showcases the releases each week along with assorted other guff.

If the rumours i read are correct the book will come in the 2nd or 3rd week.


Ive never understood GW ridiculous 1 click order.

Buy 3 boxes of longbeards and the hero for £113

or buy the bundle deal for … £113


If they had said, the bundle cost £100 - loads of people may have gone, hmmmmm I may buy them at some point, could save some money… oh go on then!


Ive never understood GW ridiculous 1 click order.

Buy 3 boxes of longbeards and the hero for £113

or buy the bundle deal for ... £113


If they had said, the bundle cost £100 - loads of people may have gone, hmmmmm I may buy them at some point, could save some money.... oh go on then!

Exactly! In a way it's almost more insulting, as it seems that they think we can't put all the items into the shopping basket ourselves, or can't do basic sums!


The 1 click order bundles have always been a mystery to me as well. Why not spice the deal to convince people to buy it now that they make a small saving compared to buying it later? That’s the business standard for other enterprises.



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I will most likely buy the book and run my CD’s as Dwarfs.

Grimbold Blackhammer:

I love pretty models but I’m a WH player at heart. So pre-ordering models without first seeing their rules seems a bit daft to me…


I’ve ordered…the Dwarf of Fire Canyon! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

jokes apart, maaaybe I’ll buy the book and some technomajinga, IF it looks cool and it could get “Da Zharr treatment”.

as a side note, since the “vanilla” Dorfs got all those new “racial” rules, do you think the FW design team will change something for us, to mantain the “distant link” between this proud and wonderfull race…and the distant, vanilla cousins? :smiley: :smiley:


as a side note, since the "vanilla" Dorfs got all those new "racial" rules, do you think the FW design team will change something for us, to mantain the "distant link" between this proud and wonderfull race...and the distant, vanilla cousins? :D :D

Not if they're grudge rules. Unlike Dwarfs, Chaos Dwarfs haven't suffered repeated defeats and loss of population and strongholds due to conflict with Skaven or Greenskin. CDs are not in decline because of the green ones, rather, they oppress the Orcs and Goblins with whips and iron-shod boots. You can't really have hatred special rule against something which you detest and hunt.

The non-grudge rules are already in Tamurkhan, but it's possible CDs will get some if Dwarfs receive new ones.

One characterful treatment would rather be to give Black Orcs in the O&G army book hatred against Hobgoblins or even Chaos Dwarfs for the failed rebellion against the Chaos Dwarfs in Zharr Naggrund and all subsequent fights. :idea


I will most likely buy the book and run my CD's as Dwarfs.

This is what one of the players at my FLGS does. He has a massive and wonderful second edition chaos dwarf army. No big hats.

I have considered this as an option, as the tournament organizers around these parts have suddenly after two years developed a hatred of LoA ForgeWorld rules. Apparently GW banned the rules at two of their events last year. Some people can't wipe their own keesters without GW telling them how to do it.

It bothers me that they tout the balance and purity of the GW rules sets while at the same time comping the crap out of them for their tournaments.

Sadly, using the standard dwarf list seems to suck all the flavor out of the LoA list. I made the decision that if it ever becomes politically incorrect to play chaos dwarves, I will glue 25mm bases on to the bottom of my infernal guard and start a Hordes of Chaos Army. I can find an equivalent rules set for just about every model I own in the HoC book.