[Archive] Some of my models


Well I am of the opinion that one doesn´t really know someone on a warhammer forum until that person has shown a few of his models.

Since I have no pics of the few Chaos Dwarfs I have painted, I thought that I could atleast share some pics of my other stuff (well atleasts it´s Chaos) until I can get some pics of it, so here you are, hope you enjoy!


wow snyggejygge, that LR looks the shiznatch. Very Iron Maiden.

As for the WFB, a very nice (and subtle) blend of old and new figures. Keep up the good work


Thanks, the landraider was painted many years ago for my legion of the Damned project, never got very far though as I don´t like 40K all that much.

Yeah I´ve been playing warhammer for about 14 years, so I have models from many time periods & I always try to include some from all eras when I build an army.


nice work snygge :slight_smile: I think you do a great job painting “bone”, I find that really hard to do well and get the shading right.

excellent :slight_smile:


Thank you Sojourn

Hashut’s Blessing:

I like the combination of parts on that first model. Can we see a side shot as well, please? The shields are painted in a very cool way, btw. Good use of Crom and the Khorne champion’s head with a standard. Looks excellent! Overall, it all looks very nice and I can’t wait to see more, especially your CDs :wink:


Don´t have a good pic from the side right now, but I will take one soon.

Glad you liked it, hopefully you´ll enjoy my Chaos stunties as much!


Love your painting style, any more pics of your army/ies?

Ghrask Dragh:

Awesome Crom conversion!!! that is seriously cool :cheers

The Doombull is pretty sweet too, I like the lot to be honest with you snyggejygge :smiley:

Why the elven horses on your marauders though?

Kera foehunter:

great job on the horsemen!!I like how the knigh is stepping on the empier guy"s helmet


Thanks guys & gals, always nice to hear good comments about your work!

@johan: Sadly none right now, working on getting more pics though.

@Ghrask Dragh: I just like the look better of elven steeds, the fit fast cavalry better & at the same time look more menacing.