Well I am of the opinion that one doesn´t really know someone on a warhammer forum until that person has shown a few of his models.
Since I have no pics of the few Chaos Dwarfs I have painted, I thought that I could atleast share some pics of my other stuff (well atleasts it´s Chaos) until I can get some pics of it, so here you are, hope you enjoy!
Thanks, the landraider was painted many years ago for my legion of the Damned project, never got very far though as I don´t like 40K all that much.
Yeah I´ve been playing warhammer for about 14 years, so I have models from many time periods & I always try to include some from all eras when I build an army.
I like the combination of parts on that first model. Can we see a side shot as well, please? The shields are painted in a very cool way, btw. Good use of Crom and the Khorne champion’s head with a standard. Looks excellent! Overall, it all looks very nice and I can’t wait to see more, especially your CDs