[Archive] Something new on this forum anyway...a POLL


Hey guys,

Just wanting to see what the rest of the Chaos dwarf generals thought. Alot of insight has been noted on the many, many WFB forums out there on the Chaos dwarfs fearsome artillery.
I was just thinking about the topic, and in particular my favorites; then I decided to maybe open it up to the wider community.

So I created a poll for our 4 warmachines. Just pick you’re favorite, it doesnt matter how you choose. Some like the reliablity of the magma cannon, while others love the dreaded hell cannon.
Others like the fluffier choices…

Hell, for poops and giggles, i even thought about including the old ones as well.
I wanted to see what was the favorite CD warmachine of all?

I went with the DreadQuake.
Love the “rail gun” aspect. And while the unit itself is a bit lackluster for the points, it has very unique Chaos dwarf ruleset, hearkening back to the modern version of some 4th ed rules.


Hell cannon for me, It’s just so win.


History/Fluff = Earthshaker! The only way to get your point of view across.


Hellcannon so I can rent it to my Chaos Warriors when its not in use.


I had a long hard think about this one but eventually went for the old Earthshaker. It was this that originally got me into collecting Chaos Dwarfs in the first place.

The Hell Cannon comes in a firm second place for me but not due to its effect in a game but because it signalled to the world that the Chaos Dwarfs were not dead and, I think, precipitated the rejuvenation of the race including their eventual re-launch via Forge World.

For reference though it’s only the Magma Cannon that is in my army at the moment.




Deathshrieker! I simply love rockets… :smiley:

Oh and i like the classic model for that too!

Kera foehunter:

Earthshaker cannon !!Best ever


The choice is simple, it’s the Hellcannon. It’s hard to invent something more Chaotic, and the crew are constantly an inspiration for me.

However, you forgot the fabled ass cannon of yore: http://www.chaos-dwarfs.com/forum/printthread.php?tid=4947


When I played the Old RH list I always looked in envy at my opponents Hellcannon… Now I bring my own!!!


The Dreadquake Mortar!

It has unique rules and the model is awesome!

Nice poll idea.


Old death rocket model was what made me love chaos dwarves back in the day down to the coolness of the model until I saw the old Earthshaker cannon I knew I must play warhammer. Sad to say I never got me a old earthshaker model but without the inspration of oversized mortar and its big hatted crew id have never rolled a dice.

Hashut’s Blessing:

I see no hobgoblin bolt thrower :wink:

Honestly, this is a decision I don’t think I can make. Each has it’s own reason for being so freakin’ cool. Magma cannon is unbelievably destructive (although easily destroyed itself for me - a glass magma cannon as it were, lol). The Hellcannon, whilst never fitting my version of Chaos Dwarfs, is undeniably enjoyable and let a new generation be reminded of our fury, even in a new vein - and it was/is still pretty decent on the battlefield. The dreadquake has the look and size and a slave ogre, so is just plain win in those terms and is a nod back to the Chaos Dwarfs of my starting - always nice to have that nostalgic throwback. The Deathshrieker has a sweetass name and is cool because it has a fairly nice way of showing how sometimes it’s the ammunition, not the machine, that is daemonically possessed and can influence the game. The old Deathrocket was awesome because of its model and, largely, because of its crew - just chilling with a facemask, a big hat and a big rocket - like a boss… The Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower isn’t in your list, but it goes in mine - 30pts of sheer win: I mean, it hits 50% of the time and is pretty darn good - even better, and Sousunou will hate me for this (although he finds it hilarious as well), is that it takes our Dark Elf combat lords with their only effective shot in the entire game made turn one before said character can do ANYthing after much boasting about his prowess.

Lastly, the Earthshaker and I think this will be my selection - there has never been so iconic a rule set for a race, IMO (other than maybe Ash Storm), as this had for Chaos Dwarfs. It was interesting, useful and people used it for it’s secondary effect more than for direct damage. It was a cool piece to have and is one of the first things that people think of when talking about the 4th-7th edition Chaos Dwarfs (the others being hats, blunderbusses and beards for the most part). It struck fear into the enemy, so was psychological metawarfare (much as the K’daii Destroyer can be now) as well as effective on the battlefielf and it was inexpensive to boot. Fond memories for many players on this one and the cause for some of Ash Storm’s effects and the rule set for the Dreadquake - for that reason, the inspiring nature and iconic stature of the Earthshaker places it first for me in this poll. By an edge.


Hellcannon all the way! :smiley:


The Earthshaker not only had some of the best CD big hat models as crew, but the machine itself was good too. Then there are the rules, which always left your opponent being annoyed when his uber-unit gets stuck for another turn (lesson to learn, don’t stick half your characters in one unit!).


The one I would have voted for (Iron Daemon) is not on the list, presumably as it’s a Unique entry.

Went with Death shrieker in the end.


Do you mind if I put up another poll? I had a look at Google and spotted a few miniscule artillery pieces from the MM90 range. There’s other options people would’ve liked too, it seems like. I don’t get why, because the Hellcannon is already in the list. :smiley:

The one I would have voted for (Iron Daemon) is not on the list, presumably as it’s a Unique entry.

I don’t think so. The Iron Daemon and its cousin the Skullcracker tractor engines were probably left outside because they are self-propelled warmachines, whereas the ones included are more static artillery pieces. Well, except for the Hellcannon, if you fail the Ld test. Which I do almost half the time. :stuck_out_tongue:
The Earthshaker not only had some of the best CD big hat models as crew, but the machine itself was good too. Then there are the rules, which always left your opponent being annoyed when his uber-unit gets stuck for another turn (lesson to learn, don’t stick half your characters in one unit!).

You don’t say? As a great weapon Infernal Guard horde (600+ pts) player with a close combat oriented army I stick all characters in the same unit. It’s a hit or miss tactic, but occasionally quite useful. Usually it ends in disaster.


Earthshaker cannon !!Best ever

Kera foehunter
^ this indeed.